meeting shadows parents part 2

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Tails runs to the agents preps them and gets them on the way to the hospital then he rushes to sonic and  starts firing at the criminals.  I am absolutely stunned  when I see sonic  fall flat. I screamed and jumped out of the  car and I sprint to his side I see he has a bullet wound on his shoulder and another on his stomach.  I picked him up bridal style and sprinted back to the car  I grab the radio and say  this is shadow  hedgehog I need immediate medical evac for agent hedgehog  repeat immediate medical evac for agent hedgehog Rodger  shadow is agent hedgehog conscious.  No baby stay with me no hq he's not  what is your twenty hq my twenty Is forth and maple report on any injury  bullet wound on his shoulder and another on his stomach.  Okay evac for agent hedgehog should be there soon over and out. I  call agent tails and say I have a med evac for agent hedgehog I need you to prep him.  Okay I will  but why are you here and who  are you I'm shadow and I'm hid boyfriend  and  he was trying to get to the hospital to get his nose looked at when he got the call from here I was going with  him. Okay come with me we need you to get him settled down at  the  hospital.    I  will do my best to get this  under control and join you as soon  as I can.   Oh okay then I'll just go with  Sonic but what  about my mom  I will have an agent drive her to the hospital.  Okay I will be fine honey you just take care of sonic and we need to talk about this whole  boyfriend thing Mr. Okay momma.  I  am sorry I didn't mean to upset you momma.   You didn't now go.  Okay I will.   I then rush over to the evac and they take him out of  my arms put him in.   I  tell them what  tails told me  and they get me in beside him. He then pats the van and signals the driver.  I am absolutely shocked when I heat a groan and a whisper of Shadow Hedgehog. Call him. The medical staff hear it to  and they turn to me and say who's is that.  I am  shadow hedgehog. Then I lean over him and whisper I'm here baby hang in there I'm here.   Oh shadz baby I'm sorry I didn't get the gunmen before they got  me. It's okay I don't care I just want you to hold on for me and don't leave me. Never baby never.  I am  sorry I didn't mean to get you  into  that situation and I will have to answer for it when we get to hq.  Oh Sonic I don't know if you will or won't but I'm going to stand by my man no matter what.  Okay baby but why did you risk your neck for me. I  told you I'd take care of everything.  I know but I love you too much to let you die on the street like that.   Oh baby I think I want you to  take care of me for a wile.   Oh Sonic I will have to  I don't want you to be on your own to heal.  Okay I love you baby forevermore I will give my all for you Shadow.   Oh Sonic I I love you too babe please don't leave me alone baby you are my everything.   I  will  never  leave you alone this way baby because you are my everything too. I  then  slid my hands on his and sing soft and sweet.

He smiled as I am singing to him quietly. Then he uses his good arm to pull me closerto his face and kisses me full on the mouth. will have to give you a return kiss. Okay baby I'm ready.  Then I pushed my lips against his and licked his bottom lip for entrance.  He moans and grabs my head and opens his mouth I slip my tongue into his  mouth and  roam around his mouth.  He then  wrestles tounges  with me for a minute then we pull apart from lack of air.  Best kiss ever he whispers. I giggle and say I know that was.  By the way you to we are here. Oh sorry I didn't know.   I need you to stay close  behind shadow I don't have permission from  command to bring you here so stay close.   Okay I will.   Hey  medical  who's the spare.  He is agent hedgehogs boyfriend and has been required to  accompany agent hedgehog by the orders of agent tails.  Oh okay  then I'll just have to run his prints.  Okay  shadow  please  place your  left palm on the  scanner.  Okay like this?  Yes now hold still for a moment. Okay  got it now the right Palm.  Okay.   I  hear a sound of hmmm. Then he looks at me and says  you  don't have a record but I'm afraid if you want to come in I need go do a body search.  Oh okay. Wait just a damn minute I am agent hedgehog lt of the special forces squad you will stand down  soldier. Yes sir sorry sir. Now  I demand to speak to the Comanding Officer right now.  Yes sir right away sir.  I  am sorry  baby he's not exactly trained fully yet.  It's okay babe really I'm fine.  What seems to be the issue  sir. I  understand you wanted to  speak to me.   Yes I do I am sure  you are aware that  when  some  is cleared through prints  there is no search necessary? Yes I am  aware of that sir then tell  me why your  emplee decides he needs to do a body  search  after clearing my boyfriend here with  his prints.  I  don't  know  sir but  I'm sorry  it won't  happen  again. See to it then and do not  let me catch you or your employees grabbing at my boyfriend  again.    Yes. Sir terribly sorry sir.  Okay now  apologize for grabbing my boyfriend.  Terribly sorry  sir  I won't let it happen again.   Okay  no let us in I'm in need of medical  attention.  Okay sir any suggestions on how  to  improve  training  sir. Yes I do but  I will discuss this further later.  Okay  sir this way  sir he swpies his badge and opens the door I follow right behind my baby  so I don't get into trouble.  Ahhh agent hedgehog good to see you still alive  let's fix you up shall we. Yes thank you  doctor.  My pleasure  lt I am sorry About  the  guard by the way.  How did you know.  I was  listening to you. Oh  okay.  Just a little  pinch he then takes a needle and  injected  something into sonic  next thing I knew sonic was up and holding two bullets i n his hand. I  look him over carfuly and  realized he was completely  healed.  How did that happen.  I  am  a very unique  hedgehog baby. One adrenaline shot and I'm good to go. Oh wow. I told you I'd never leave you alone this way baby.   I  know  but I love you baby forevermore.  I love you too baby forevermore.  I want show you around baby. Okay as long as you don't  get in trouble for it.  Oh I won't babe don't you worry I am in charge here so yeah. Okay baby but I thought you had a Comanding Officer.  I do but  he  has a very lose grip on tours. He leaves  them  to me. Oh  okay then I'll just have to go with you baby.  Yep you will tough guy.  He then  gives me a guided tour of the entire hq. Oh  okay baby what did you think?  I  am surprised but I  am sure you  are aware of the reason baby.  Oh I am huh.  You should be. Oh why's that honey. I lean close and whisper look between my legs and see. Oh baby you know that you can't have that weapon here right. Yeah what are you gonna do  about it hmmm.  I  am  gonna  have a little  fun with it babe.  Oh yeah.  Yep and you know I'm the only one who can get In here with out peing let in right. I do now. Okay baby I think you are going to have a blast.  Oh okay baby. Knock knock.  Okay I will have to wait until we are at home.   Okay baby I think your right.   Now if you'll please hide that monster I'll see what they want.   Okay I will baby.   He gose over and opens the door. Yes? Oh hey Mrs hedgehog I'm glad you're okay.  Me too sonic but  I didn't want you to leave before I  can talk to you both  now please sit  down and don't  even think of running.  Oh okay Mrs hedgehog.   I  am  sorry I didn't mean to upset you if I did.  You  didn't  i just want to talk to you about something my son said  wile you were unconscious.  Okay I  will have to wait to hear about it  before I can  weigh in on it.  Okay well  I'm  sure  you are aware of my son dating preferences. Yes I  am  why. Well he's already calling you his boyfriend and  I am just making sure that you want  to come  be around him that way.  Oh I  do I want him  in every way possible. Oh okay then I'll just go home and you  are  more than welcome  to visit us any time but I'm  not sure I can let him come to your  place  with out  knowing who all lives with you.  Oh I  live alone  in an apartment on the  other side  of Herron street.  Oh Sonic I guess if you live  alone  and my son  likes you maybe he can come live with you.  Or maybe you can live with us.  I don't know if you heard but  I'm not  really the big family home  type since my 5th birthday I don't like  being  in a family home I would  be okay with him living in my apartment but I can't come  live  with you.  Okay hon but I should talk to you about  something very important  before  you too get intimate.  Oh that's not  necessary I had the birds and the bees talk  already  so I don't know if you need to talk to him but I'm aware of  that  subject matter.  Oh okay then I'll just go son don't forget that you are  to come home to see your dad in an hour  for lunch and  bring sonic  with you. Okay I will Mom and tell dad before he gets there. Okay son.  She leaves and I run after her and say come on I'll drive you home and  then we can get ready for lunch.   Okay but I am not going to be able To entertain you so you to will have to find  something else to do. Okay  I think  I have  a few  ideas but I'm not sure you will approve.   Oh Sonic I don't care if you are intamite just  keep the door shut and keep the volume down.  Okay I will.  Hey baby you  thinking what I am? Yes sonic but  I didn't want to say it for fest of scarring you.  Oh baby I won't be afraid as long  as it's you not some one else. Okay baby let's go home to my house then after lunch and school we can go to your place. Okay I would love that.  Um sonic hon I sorry but you and shadow have the rest of the day off I called the principal on the way here and told him you got shot on a call from work and he said he gave you a month off so I don't know if you want to do something else inside so you don't  have school this month. Oh okay then I'll just hang out at my  apartment. Oh same goes for shadow too. Oh I guess we can hang out with each other and maybe I can take you with me on some of the special assingmens I get from time to time. Oh Sonic I that would be great but isn't that  a little risky for me to be there? Not as long  as you do what I tell you and listen to what I say.  Oh okay I will.  Great hop in the the car and I'll drive you both home. Okay baby but can I ride with you in the front baby.  Thats up to your mom babe. Okay what do you say mom? Okay honey just please wear your belt.  Oh mom I always do  in the front seat you know that.  Yeah just  a reminder  baby boy. Oh mom.  I get in the front seat and strap on my seatbelt and  say excuse me but I believe I was just about to get a kiss sir.  Oh yea babe here you go.  He turns to me and kisses me full on the mouth.  I  am so flipping happy I have you baby.  Me too baby cakes.  I can't wait for you to meet my dad.  Yeah so what's he like? Oh he's the best but I'm not sure I can go on about my dad when you can't about yours.  It's okay baby just  as long as you don't  get me starts on that stupid story again I'll be  fine.  Oh okay baby if you're okay with it.  He has the absolute best attitude towards me and my mom and I  know he'll like you to.  He can get a bullseye almost every time he fires his  gun. But yet he never ever brags about it.  I know that he has always got time for me and always has my back no matter what.  Oh I see  but you know I do to right babe? Yes of course I know that but he's got it from a different perspective since he's my dad. Okay baby I  think I need you to stay focused on the  street so you can tell me  where.  Oh okay baby I will but I am not quite done with the explanation of my dad. Oh?  Yes I  have one more thing you need to know  he means well but I'm sure my family is dead isn't  going to  cut it  with him.  Oh okay baby I'll just have to tell him that stupid story Is all.  Okay hon. It's the big  yellow and white house on the corner. Okay here we are.  You ready to go to my room baby? Yes  but first I need to help your  mom with door it has to be opened from the  outside.  Oh okay then I'll just have to let you  be a gentleman and get the door.   Okay mamma I think I can do that. Ahem. Oh hey  sir you must be  Mr. Hedgehog.  I'm sonic shadows boyfriend.   I see you have a nice  car if I  do say so my self.  Honey what are you doing out I thought you were at work.   I was until  out son called and asked me to accompany him and agent  hedgehog to the hospital.  Oh  so you're an agent  hmmm? Yes I  am  agegent hedgehog lt of the  special forces squad of the GUN. Oh okay but I am not sure I can believe that is all that happened. Okay I will have to be honest with you sir I will tell you the whole story  inside.  Okay I will get the door then.   Oh Sonic I will have to meet your  family if I am to trust you  with my boy.   Oh I see but you know there's an issue  with  that I'll tell you  that story inside as well.  Okay I'm confused. I will explain  everything inside  I don't like  talking  about that in the  open for all to hear so please can't accept that and let is in.  Yes but I  don't want you to get any ideas about  anything.  Oh I'm not like that I protect people  and  thier property.  Oh okay then I'll just have to be honest I don't like  letting people in my home without  a understanding of thier personality. I get it  you are just protecting your home and family.  But now that we are inside  I feel a little more  at ease telling  my story and the events of the outing.  Oh okay then let's go sir in the living room  while  Mrs hedgehog cooks lunch.   Okay lead the way sir.  I  like it very much when you call me sir but I can't help but wonder why.  It's ingrained in my brain for as long as I can remember that you always  great a supirior as sir.  Oh Sonic I don't want you to think I'm superior to you in any way.  But your  my boyfriend's dad so in away you kinda are. Oh. Well let's start with why I can't meet your  family.   Oh okay I suppose I'll start at the beginning  then. Okay sounds good.  I am fRom a wealthy family but I'm  not sure if that really  matters to the topic at  hand.  Any way  I was born on May 11 at 10:30 pm my twin baby sister sister was born at 10:35 pm. My mom's name was Janie my dad was Jewels.  I  live life in peace  with our mom and dad until  my 5th birthday.   On the evening of that  horrible day the GUN swarmed the front of my Moms house and demanded that my family hand me over to them immediatly of course  my mom  refused shut and barred the door  and turned to me and says honey I want you to take care of your sister and run run as far away as you can and keep her safe. But  what about you momma I need you I says.  I  know baby I'll always be with you now go quickly before they get find you. I have to hold them off until you get away go.  I ran upstairs two at a time grab my baby sister and run down the stairs and out of the back of the house  and I ran and ran and ran until I saw my father come home I stopped and I saw my father confront The GUN.   I  watched as they got into a scuffle and then I hear bang bang and I see my Dad dead on the ground. Then they turn to my momma and she tries to run but bang bang they shot her in the back.  They  turned and saw me up on the hill overlooking my family home.   Bang bang I feel  my baby sister go limp in my arms and I sob hysterical at this point and I lie her down on the ground and I  dropped next to her and cried and cried til I hear footsteps I look up and straight into the eyes of the Comanding Officer of the G.U.N.  What did we ever do to to deserve this.  It's not  what you did it's who you are that's the problem.  What do you want from me  what more could you take  from  me? What do you think we wanted. I don't know.  Well  here's a little clue you'll be coming with us or you will never be able to have peace he chuckles and I started to getup but he holds me down on my knees and struck me in the head.  When I came to I was strapped to a table and I couldn't move or speak.  Oh finally awake I see.  Well I have a proposition for you. You can either come in and follow orders or we can detain you and torture you into following orders.  I will  give  you  one hour to decide .  He leaves and returns an hour  later have you decided.  I have.  And? I'll help you but I won't  like it.  A very wise decision. Now  let's get you suited up.  Shall we ? I guess . This way  he grabs all the gear I will need and says here and head straight up those steps and our training officer will meet you there.  Okay.  I head straight up those steps and look up to see a very familiar face. Sonic. Tails. I tsgood to see you after all these years. I know. First I'm sorry About your mom and dad and baby sister.   Wait how did you know.  I so sorry sonic but I didn't have a choice I had to follow orders or they would've killed them and me.  Okay here's  a little something just for you  pow. I punched him in the muzzle.  You will respect your trainer and partner sonic or its the torture room for you.  Okay  I will i just need a moment before training.  Okay but I am not a patient man sonic remember that. I will.   After eighteen months of vigorous exercise and training they declared me an official of the G.U.N and I've worked my tail off for years now and I still can't get the image of my dead family out of my head.  And I rose through the ranks to become a lt.  Okay I see now why you said that I couldn't meet your family.  Yeah so now  I'll turn it over To shadow because I  don't know everything about today as I was shot and blacked out.  Okay baby I think I can do that.  So  I told my dad everything that happened today and he said I see and you weren't hurt shadow.  No dad i wasn't hurt. Okay I will have to keep my ears open for awhile and see. But if you two want to date and love together I'm okay with it.  Just  promise me you'll look out for my son sonic. Of course always and forever.  Okay then  run along I have some things to do.  Okay dad umm dad. Hmmm? Can sonic and I  fool around.  Oh son I am okay with it but ask your mom.   I did in the car and she's okay with it.  Then away with you I need to get this done before  lunch. Okay thanks for the talk dad.  Okay  son your welcome.  I  am  totally stocked as  I run upstairs to my room with sonic on my heels. I  turned back to him and I  kiss him and  whisper I'm sorry for the  messy room as I opened the door.   Oh I rd okay baby  I'll just have to pick up alitte okay? Sure thing  let me  help you.  We sped through the cleaning and he finished with it then  he suductivly came over to me and says honey I want your cock and your  ass. Oh Sonic I do too.   He picks me up bridal style and  lays me on the bed and kisses me full on the mouth.   Then he  looks at me and rips my shirt off over my head. Then he gose and takes off  my shoes and socks.   Oh Sonic I am getting so horny for you baby.  He smirks  then he reaches in to my jeans and  rubs my groin fora minute then he pulled my jeans off and  slowly pulls  down my boxers.   Once he s done I strip him  the same  way.   Oh Sonic I want you to fuck me  and suck me. Okay baby I think I can do that.  He starts to kiss and lick my neck moving down towards my happy place. Slowly he moves down to my chest and lick my chest all over then he reaches my abs and licks them saying these sexy abs are going to have my Mark on them but first I'm hungry.  He gose lower and dragged his tounge over my  penis  and cause me to moan louder.   He then wraps his mouth around my cock. Oh Sonic I want more.   I looked down and I see hes sucking my penis and massaging my  balls. Oh yeah sonic keep going I moan.  He sucks my dick good and hard til I moan out and released in his mouth.  Hes then lines his dick up with  my mouth.  I look at it hungrily  and start sucking it. He moans and grabs my head and holds me down against his  dick.  Oh shadz baby suck it good and hard he moans out.   I do as required of me and suck on it good and hard til he released in my mouth.  We both swallow.   Oh Sonic I think that was the best sex ever but I want you to rip my  ass up.  Okay baby I can do that.   I roll onto my stomach as he lines up and just as I am on my  stomach he rams his dick up my ass.  Oh Sonic I don't know what you are doing but I'm loving it.  Oh good shadz baby  cause I aint done yet.  He then speeds up and I am just completely lost in lust.  Oh Sonic I don't want you to stop keep going claim your  bitch.  Okay I will shadz baby don't worry about that.  I know that he has to be  getting close so I  start to squeeze his sick with my anus.  Oh shadz baby keep it up.  He then thrusts in with all he has and  released in my  butt.  Oh Sonic I think that was even  better than the oral. Oh really?  Yes well then  how about I get some  acttion hmmm?  Sure baby get on that sexy stomach and spread that ass for me baby. He obeys. Then quick as lighting I bury my penis in his ass up to the balls. Oh shadz baby harder. Okay darling anything  for you baby.   I start fucking him so hard he is groaning every time I push in to him.  Oh shadz baby keep it up babe I need your baby making  juice.  Oh Okay baby. He then starts teasing my dick with muscle  spasms in his ass.  Oh Sonic I don't think I can last much  longer ahhh. Just as I said that I drained my balls in his ass. Oh shadz baby I will  need you to fuck me good  and hard again soon.  Okay baby anytime as long  as we're alone.  Oh okay baby. Boys lunchis  ready  wash  up and  come eat. Okay momma.  We then get dressedand wash up and head straight to the diner table.  Oh  Sonic I am sorry I couldn't help but hear your  story earlier. Okay but I am not upset.  I just  don't want to talk about anymore please.  Oh Okay I understand.  I know why don't you  tell us about  some of the special assignment you've gone on.  Oh Okay  I will.  But  understand that anything I tell you can't leave this table.   Okay sonic but why a lot of  my  work is top secret for authorized ears only.  Oh okay  then.  Like  what?  Well like that time I was recruited to  protect the master emerald on angel island.  Oh I thought that was knuckles job.  It is but we get called into help when he has a problem he can't handle on his own.  Oh  but  I'm not really surprised you got called in Soniku. Oh  Shadow I don't think he likes that name.  Actually I'm very much in love  with my nickname. Oh  okay then I'll just let you go on with your story.  Okay I will.  So what happened when you were called in.  Oh I went to see the gaurdian and he said agent hedgehog I need  help rounding up  a band of thieves that are gathering near here.   Okay  I will have to report to base requesting support. He looks at me apprehensively and says fine but gun agents only.  Okay deal.   I step out of the house to call base.  This is agent hedgehog I need GUN agent support pronto on Angel island  the emerald at risk. Okay agent hedgehog I am sending  back up. Okay  I will head to the alter to get a sense of the  danger. Negative agent hedgehog wait  for  back up to  arrive. Okay sir but hurry. The emerald  must be protected at all costs.   Rodger agent hedgehog I'll be at your twenty in five  four three two one. I look and see no less than thirty GUN agents swarming out  of the copter. Your in charge  here agent hedgehog so lead wisely.  Yes sir right away away sir. Over and  out.  I turned back to my fellow agents and  says be on your  guard the guardian isn't sure exactly  how  many  people were dealing  with  now move out to  the  alter of the emerald.  Sir yes sir. We March up the hill to the alter to find  out what  we are dealing with  as I  came round the corner I see that the emerald is gone and thier were foot prints headed north from the alter.  I called the guardian. Knuckles agent  hedgehog here do you have the emerald? No way wby. It's missing from the alter  I see foot prints headed north from the alter. Okay I'm on the way  find that emerald  before they  leave the island.  Okay guardian sir.  Spread out find the master emerald before they leave the island.   Sir yes sir. They spread out  heading north from the alter to find out who took the emerald.   I rushed back to the house to call hq.  Hq this  is  agent hedgehog  I'm confirming the emerald is in fact missing from the alter.  The other  agents are searching  for it as we speak  do you read. Read you loud and clear agent hedgehog.  Im sending more agents to you now. Okay  hq confirm eta pronto. Five minutes tops sir. Okay.  Their Inbound  over and out.  Okay agents this w Sirius business the master emerald is gone and thier were foot prints head north from the alter go to it. Sir yes sir.   Agent hedgehog sir I've found the tie.g. request backup before engaging.  What your twenty agent. Just  then clicks north from the alter  I am in position request backup.  On my way agent  stand firm and don't  let them of the island.  Okay sir but I can't take them on by my self  there are  at least twenty gunman and three other men. Knuckles did you copy. I copy loud and clear  I see his position and am making  my way  there now  agent do you have  visual on the master emerald. Sir yes sir. But hurry there loading  up  and  getting ready to fly. Can you get a clear shot at the pilot agent   aye sir dead shot straight to the  head take the shot agent. Bang  agent report I got the pilot but I'm pinned down taking heavy fire. Okay  almost  there  agent  take cover and wait  for back up to arrive.   Yes sir.   I'm at the location agent hedgehog I need immediate gun patrol and reinforcements  Rodger guardian. All units  respond code diamond in progress repeat all units respond code diamond in progress.   As I arrive I see my agent and the guardian in thick cover.  Agent hedgehog sir I've never been so happy  to see you no offense sir. None taken agent  let's show these  people what GUN is made of.  Now!! I give the order and we storm the beach with little trouble.  I Take up post guarding the guardian as he rushes forward  head low  and grabs  the emerald and rushed it back up to the  alter.    Agents move in make  the arrests.   Sir yes sir.  Well done agent hedgehog I appreciate your help  sir. I am glad to be of service guardian.  Agent hedgehog sir we've secured the  perps request  transport.  Transport granted.  Hq  this is agent hedgehog the emerald is secure perps are secure as well request transport. Transport granted and inbound  sir. Sir I am proud to  inform you that we suffered no casualties.   Nothing more than a sprained left ankle.  Okay well done every  one get ice on that sprain and getting ready to move  out. Sir yes sir.  Until next time  we meet guardian.  Okay bye  agent hedgehog.  

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