I'm home at last

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As I arrive back at hq I here a loud agent hedgehog my office now. Oh I wonder what commander wants now. I turned back to head straight up to his office. I knocked on the door and get a loud come in here agent. Okay sir you wanted me to come to your office. Yes agent hedgehog I need a word with you about something very important. Okay sir how may I be of service. It's not what you can do form me that brought you up here agent hedgehog so sit back and relax for a minute. Okay sir but I don't understand. Oh agent hedgehog I need to talk to you about a proposition for you. Okay. I been looking for a strong leader for a position that just opened up. Oh and you think I am the strong leader for the position. Yes agent hedgehog I do. Well if I were to accept that position what would it be. Well it is lt of the special forces squad. Oh and the duties? Are pretty much the same except for you will be able to have more athority and make recommendations on changes in the policy. Okay I will accept as long as I can still be in the front lines. Oh of course agent hedgehog but one more thing you need to know I will be arranging for you to get a company car but you should know that you and the other agents are the only one who can get behind the wheel. Okay sir but I still have one more request for you to consider. I am all ears. I would like to also keep working with agent tails. Oh He s finally grown on ya hmmm. Yeah. Granted. Thank you sir for your time. Agent hedgehog I don't know if you heard but I'm going to be observing your performance over the next few years to evaluate wether you may become comander some say. Oh okay sir. Dismissed. So sonic have you been told of the result of his evaluation . No baby he wants to see over a period of several years. And this was six months ago. Oh Okay baby I think I have a small favor to ask of you. Oh what is it. Give me a little more pleasure after we go to your place. Sure baby any thing for you Shadow. Just as we finished lunch sonics phone rings. He takes it and see that it's the commander. Hello sir how can I be of service. I need you and that hedgehog you were with in my office in half an hour or I will be forced to come get you. Sir yes sir. I will be there sir. Okay be sure you dont let me down agent hedgehog. Sir yes sir. May I ask what this is in regards to sir? Yes I am afraid I have a problem you and that hedgehog you were with can solve. I can't say anything more over the phone so get here half an hour or I will have to get you. Yes sir right away sir. Sorry Mrs. Hedgehog but um needed at work. Come on baby let's get you back to hq. Okay baby but why. I don't know baby but my boss is insisting I am there with you in thirty minutes or he s gonna come get us. Thanks for the meal and the talk but I'm afraid I must be going now. Look after my boy you hear. Yes sir. Bye mom and dad I will see you when i get back. Okay baby love you honey love you too. Beep beep. Let's go baby command isn't someone to keep waiting. Okay baby let's go. I race over to the car and hop in the front seat and strap on my seatbelt and he puts it into reverse and backs up out of the driveway. He then punches the gas and gets us there in just under twenty minutes. Okay baby I think I can have both of us out of here reasonably fast but no promises babe. Okay I am with you baby. I know he pulls up to his parking space and says here we are. We got ten minutes to get up to the top floor of the G.U.N building baby so stay close and let me do the talking okay. Okay baby. He grabs a pistol and a headset and a badge that said GUN lt agent hedgehog. I know that you are probably a little nervous about this but you know I've got your back shadz. I know baby but why the sudden interest in me. I don't know baby but I will find out. Just then the alram sounds intruder alert sub section b. Intruder alert sub section b. Agent hedgehog sir I've found a intruder down in the vaults sub section b what are your orders sir. Take as many agent Down there as you can find them and exterminate any threat. Sir yes sir. Sorry baby but during an alert we can't use the elevator so I'm afraid it's going to be a bumpy ride hold on to me tight. Okay baby. He pulled out a yellowish jewel and says chaos control. I swear I am about to lose my lunch wen I look around and see that we are inside a very fancy lobby of sorts. He grabs his badge and walks over to a set of solid wood doors with a badge slot in the frame. He steps up to the slot slides in his badge and says Agent hedgehog and guest to see commander. Hello agent hedgehog and guest. Guest please take your temporary Id badge. Okay baby here you go. He pins a badge to my shirt. Just then there was a loud crash he pulls out his pistol and move towards the sound. He see a very small man ready to run. Freeze GUN special forces squad what is your name. I am sorry agent hedgehog but I don't think I can tell you that. Identify yourself or I'll shoot. Oh fine I'm Grover Cleveland. I am here on a little errand for the Order of the dark knight. Freeze or I'll have to shoot he steps back and hisses in my ear you see that red button over there yes go over and push it then take cover. Okay babe. I sneak out and over to the button he indicated and I push it then I jumped behind the desk and ducked down. The next thing in know there was a loud siren and a voice saying intruder in the main lobby intruder in the main lobby intruder in t1he main lobby. I peek over the desk as fifty heavily armed guards rush in and grabs the man and drags him out. Then one guard saw me duck under the desk he pulls his gun and says come out of there with your hands up. Okay I will I say. He see the badge an lowers his gun what are you here for sir. Hes with me agent stand down. Oh sir I didn't know he was with you. Yes I asked him to trip the alarm and take cover for fear of a gunfight. Oh okay sir I will be sure to mark that in the report. See that you do you are dismissed I got it from here. Okay sir. Just then the doors swung open to reveal a mild mannered lady. Agent hedgehog sir I've been looking for you right this way. He gestures for me to follow. I quickly do. I am sorry About the noise madam Secretary but we had an intruder from the order of the dark knight. Oh that's fine dear I don't think he will be upset you did your job. I hope not. Oh Sonic I don't like this. It's okay baby we are going to be fine you'll see. Knock knock come in sir agent hedgehog and guest are here to see you. Oh show them in. Yes sir. She opened the door and steps aside. I see sonic gesture for me to go first so I quickly and quietly step in with him right on my heels. Hello agent hedgehog and guest I'm pleased to see you. Oh okay sir but I don't know why I'm here but I don't want any trouble. And you won't get any . I simply called this little chat to discuss something I believe agent hedgehog has spoken to you about. Oh Sonic I am scared I whisper. He steps up and say sir if I may speak my mind I believe my boyfriend here is frightened so if you have something to discuss then might I request you do so now. Okay agent hedgehog. Sit down both of you. Okay sir. I feel a hand squeeze my shoulder and another I look to see him pulling me into his lap. Umm agent hedgehog is there a reason you are sitting your friend on your lap? Yes sir I am his boyfriend sir and He is mine. So sonic you know company policy states that I am authorised to require that you have no contact with any one else during the time your on sift right? Yes sir but if I may I really don't like this situation. So if you forbade me from being with my love I am sorry but I will have to resign from the GUN. Oh I see. Well here's a little snag. I don't care if you are together but if it intrefers with your work I will have to put a stop to it on the premises of The GUN. Oh ok sir. But why did you ask me to bring him here? I am surprised that you have not figured it out yet agent hedgehog I seem to recall saying that it was regarding something you had said earlier. Oh you mean the whole bring you on my assignments with me. Oh well done agent hedgehog you solved it . I am totally on Board agent hedgehog prvoided you take full responsibility for the training and the errors he may make. Oh sir I do but he has to make the final decision on this and I will stand by my man no matter what. Okay baby I think I want to work with you but I'm afraid to adress him. He says he doesn't want to speak to you but I'm going to start his training as soon as you give the order sir. I am sorry If I intimidated you but I'm going to be able To get my attitude checked by the next time we meet. Get out of my office and down to the training arena. Sir yes sir. Dismissed. Okay baby I think I can help you train but I'm forbade from helping you with the tests so train and always be ready for anything. Okay I will baby. Agent hedgehog! I turned back to see who called my baby. And I quickly dropped my head straight to the floor as the commander is standing over me. I expect you to get him training today and trained by Twenty-four months after today and I expect you to train as much as possible if you aren't at school or sick or on a mission I want you here training. Yes sir right away sir. Okay dismissed oh shadow here is your trainees acess badge. Okay sir I am excited to start sir oh and i expect you to have your lover with you at all times in the premises of GUN. Oh okay sir. Dismissed. Baby I'm so proud of you for talking to commander. Here we are baby I need you to swipe the door here with your badge. Then I hear the door squeal and see a green light up the screen and he swips his badge and the doors swung open to reveal a very large training arena. We walked in and he took me on a tour of the entire arena. Okay baby I am gonna start of the training simulation on easy and I will be right here if you need me. Okay baby I think I'm ready for this. Okay baby here you go. He hands me a training pistol and he switched on the simulation. Okay baby the mission is to help the guardian protect the master emerald. Okay baby I'm ready then let's go. Okay baby this is the guardian. I am going to be here but you take the front seat now. Okay baby. How my I be of service guardian. Oh agent shadow I need you to assist with the extermination of some drones trying to get the master emerald. Okay guardian I am happy to help. I then step out of the house and report to base requesting support I see the guardian approaching so I say how may I be of service guardian I'm sorry to interrupt but I need you to stay focused on the mission sorry sir I will but I need to report to base requesting support. Fine but I need you to get agents only. HQ this is agent shadow I need to report the master emerald is at risk request backup and support. Okay agent shadow what is your twenty. I m on Angel island. Rodger agent shadow I will insert in your twenty in five four three two one. I am sorry baby I'm not sure I'm going to pass this. It's okay I'm here to help you but I'm afraid I can't if you don't ask for me to specifically okay then. I'm going to resume the mission. Okay baby. Agent hedgehog sir I'm in need of your assist. Okay baby right behind you in three two one. He grabs my shoulder and says honey I want you to take your soldiers up to the alter to find out what we are dealing with. Okay baby. Yeah. Move out to the alter to find out what we are dealing with. I lead the way gun drawn to the alter and as I turned the corner I see that the emerald is gone and there are foot prints head north from the alter so I quickly look up to my baby. Okay honey I want you to reach out to the guardian and ask if he was the one who took the emerald. Okay baby. Guardian did you have the emerald. No way why. I'm at the alter but the emerald is gone and thier were foot prints head north from the alter okay I'm on my way find that emerald before they leave the island. Okay guardian. Spread out find the master emerald before they leave the island. Okay baby now I want you to call base and report the master emerald missing from the alter okay. Base this is agent shadow I am confirming that the emerald is gone and thier were foot prints head north from the alter do you read. Loud and clear agent shadow. I m sending backup. Rodger base. Agent shadow I've found the master emerald but I'm out gunned and I see that the emerald is ready to fly. Okay agent do you have a clear shot at the pilot agent aye sir dead shot straight to the head take the shot agent take the shot. Bang agent report I got the pilot but I'm pinned down taking heavy fire okay agent I want you to take cover and wait for back up to arrive. Aye sir . Okay baby I want you to ask him his twenty. Okay baby. Agent what is your twenty. I'm ten clicks north from the alter okay I'm on my way agent shadow I see that position I am heading to help okay guardian be careful out there. I arrived agent shadow but I'm pinned down taking heavy fire. Okay all units respond code diamond in progress. Repeat all units respond code diamond in progress. Good job babe. Thanks babe okay now were with the guardian and the agent what's the first thing to do let them know im here? Yes baby. Okay agent i'm here at your twenty I want you to remain calm and check on the guardian. Okay sir I am he says hes Okay he just wants to get the master emerald back to the alter soon. Ask him if he can get ready to rush the beach. He says yes. Okay now!! We rushed foward head low and take on the drones I'm hurrying up with the guardian protecting him wile he grabs the emerald and rushed it back up to the alter and I hear agent shadow suspects secured request transport and support. Okay baby I want you to tell him granted. Then call the base requesting support and transport. Okay baby granted base requesting support and transport the emerald is secure perps are secure as well. Okay sir transport granted and inbound. Okay over and out. Good job babe I need you to get over To the emerald and touch it to your badge. Okay baby I will I go up to the alter and touch my badge to the emerald and the arena reforms around us. Baby I'm so proud of you I will right back. Oh okay baby he runs over to the door and grabs a paper that printed out. I am glad to say you did a lot better than I did my first training session. Baby I'm so proud of you. You got an exceeded expectations. Okay baby I think I can do better than that. I know that but this was your first time. So you'll improve with time. Okay baby I love you babe. Te amo mi Amor. I know very little Spanish babe. I said I love you my love. Oh te amo mi Amor. I am happy for you Shadow I can't believe I get to work with my bebe. I hope I don't disappoint you baby. You couldn't disappoint me as long as you do your best to succeed. Oh okay baby I'll try. Next I'm setting up a little something that you should be able to do great at. Okay what baby. I will explain in a minute baby. Okay baby I think I am ready. I know you are. Okay baby. I know you got this baby I need you to take care of of the downed agent save his partner and nuetralize the threat. Okay I think I can
I know you can do it. Okay in three two one. I look around and see that I'm on a street corner of Mobos and I hear all units respond code diamond in progress. All units respond code diamond in progress. Okay baby now I want you to tell base that you are responding and then call me in as your partner. Okay baby. Hq this is agent shadow I am on my way to the code diamond in progress. Okay agent shadow. What is your eta. Five minutes tops. Okay baby now call me in as your partner . Agent hedgehog sir report for an assist. Okay on my way agent shadow. Okay agent what's your twenty. Forth and maple reports of an agent Down and another under fire. Okay take cover and wait for back up to arrive. Okay sir hurry my partner won't last. I want you to take out the chaos emerald in you front right pants pocket and say chaos control.
Sonics Pov

Okay baby he says.  I know you can do it I whisper. Okay baby here i go. He grabs the chaos emerald in his pocket  and says  chaos control.  I quickly wrapped my arm around him and  we appear a forth and maple.  I reached out and place my hand on his shoulder and say I need you to clear the mission area of civilian population first. I pass him a bullhorn and  he said clear the road gun patrol inbound. Just then the civilians fIle into the biuldings and leave the street  deserted except for the GUN  agents and the Bank robbers   we rush over to our  comrades.  He grabs his body radio and says  this is agent shadow I need a immediate medical evac for two gun agents and request backup and support hq do read. Rodger agent read you loud and clear  reinforcements inbound med evac is on the way.   Get me an  eta pronto.  Five minutes tops.   Okay.  I placed myself in between him and the robbers for him to  prep the agents for evac and  I started firing and providing  cover for him to prep the agents for evac as I am about to lose  I see  a massive  swarm of  soldiers storm the  battlefield I started to getup but I don't get far before  a sharp pain  erupted in my  side and I looked to  see a large  hunting  knife jammed in my ribs I scream as I fall flat on the street and I see that shadow is in trouble so I  quickly pull my gI'm and I fire one shot straight into the assailants chest shadow  heard the shot and looked at me apprehensive about it then  he sees the knife jammed in my ribs he screams and rushed over and grabs his body radio and say this is shadow I need another med evac for agent hedgehog repeat I need a immediate medical evac for agent hedgehog.  Agent shadow  what is your twenty hq my twenty I forth and maple reports of a knifing I am  also reporting casualties to the suspects over. Okay agent shadow med evac for agent hedgehog is a block away  from your current location .  Prep for immediate  removal.  Okay.   Over and out  I can do this I just want to get you ready for evac. I hear agent shadow whispering to himself  I am sorry I didn't see him baby.  I reached up and place my arms around him and whisper I'm proud of you baby I love you and remember that this is  a simulation but you still  need to treat it as a real life event. Oh and I'm gonna give you  a great big surprise when we get to my place for real.  Okay baby. You did it ya know shadow. What do you mean all I did was prep  for  med evac  that was the most important thing and you called  for the rest of the special forces squad so you  did it baby.  Oh  really yes you did it.  Okay baby I think I am ready to get out of the  simulation. You still have one more thing to do  first baby. Oh what is it you need to get me prep for evac before I lose the ability to  stay conscious oh right.  He hurriedly stems the blood vessels and says honey I want you to lay still. Okay end simulation.  What was that voice the simulation is over  baby it was the computer  informing you. Okay I see now why you said to be ready for anything btw. Oh yeah yeah. good ahem. I jump and  look up and see that it's commander I'm sorry agent hedgehog but I'm afraid that's all the training I can give you today. So you can go home but  be back here first thing  after school  tomorrow.  Oh sir  I didn't know if you heard but shadows mom got as a month off do to having gotten  shot  today. Oh  ok that's fine but still follow the instructions I gave you. Okay sir I am sorry I was caught in an embrace with my love sir it's fine Agent. He then turns  around and walks  away.  That was really  embarrassing for me.  Oh Sonic I don't think he cares if we embrace  each other.  Yeah I know but there  are many others at gun that hate gays and lesbians.

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