Home Sweet Home

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Shadow Pov
We head out to the car but just as we were about to  leave the building there was a loud siren and a flashing light. What's  going baby?  There was a breakout from the holding cells. Stay behind me baby and follow me. He then grabs a rifle bullet proof vest and  handcuffs and rushed to the detainment  center. As we approach  he slows down and  places  a hand  on my cheat signaling me  to slow down.  He placed his fingers to his lips in the shush gesture and he peeks around the corner.  Bang  bang  he jumps back and hisses in anger I look and see that there's a small amount of blood coming from  from his mouth and  I  look  to see where it's coming from  and see a bullet wound on the side of his face. I  scream as I am running to the nearest alarm station Bang Bang bang  I feel my back pierced and I tripped and fell in to the alarm button intruer in the detainment center intruder in the detainment center.  The guards rush in and killed the intruder then rush to get aid for me and sonic.  Sonic was fine apart from a small  wound but he didn't know I'd been shot til he looks at me and sees three holes in my back he screams and rushed over and drops down and sobs into my shoulder.  So I whisper I love you baby forevermore.   He then gasped and says honey I want you to tell me what happened.   I  went to push the alarm button and he  shot me down.   Oh baby I'm sorry I didn't protect you forgive me  it's fine Soniku I not mad but I'm afraid I can't last much longer without aid.  He then activates his headset and says I need a God damn nurse in the detainment center now. Agent  down.  I  am in the main hallway.  Okay baby hang in there I'm here.   He cradles my head and sobs into my shoulder.   I here running footsteps I look up and see that it's the commander and two nurses and a doctor.   The commander  grabs the guard and says  you better have a god damn good reason for this breakout captain.  He says he doesn't and the commander  starts yelling at the gaurd and says your are fired get the fuck out of here I told you not to leave that son of a bitch unattended you are aware of the reason and I will be putting this in you record and you will never enter the GUN again.  Get out of my office buidling turn in your  gear and get out you two make sure of that.  Sir yes sir.  They run over and grabs  him and drag him away. Sir I am sorry I didn't protect my baby I didn't realize what happened.  Hush agent hedgehog this is not your fault.  Okay sir but I don't know what I'm going to do if he doesn't make it. Go get his parents hedgehog  I will ensure  his survival until they arrive. Okay sir. 
Sonic Pov

I rush out to my car and I jump in and gun the gas and  I  whip into the drive and lay on the horn.  Then his  mom comes over and says honey what's up.  I  don't  have time to explain you and your husband  get in shadow  had an accident.  She wails at that. I look to the  door and see shadz dad come running out I throw open the car doors and they get in. I then slam the pedal  to the medal and get us back to the gun in five minutes flat.  I let them out of  the car and say shadow has joined the gun. And he was helping me with  an intruder and was shot three times in the back.  This way. I lead the way to the hospital and order the door  open  and we  rush in and find shadows room.  I  let his parents go in alone first and the talked. But then I hear the words I longed to hear where is my Soniku.  I am in the  room in a flash  and I flung my arms around him and whisper I'm
here baby hang in there I'm here.   He giggled as I kissed him repeatedly.  Okay baby okay I get you thought the worst.  I stop and says honey I am so sorry for what happened I didn't see him baby.  I am expecting to be the  one that gets yelled at but he motions me to come close so I lean in and he grabs the front of my shirt and jerks me forward and says honey I want you to take me home as soon as I am cleared and I am going to fuck you til your bloody. Oh okay then I'll just be patient.  Just then the doctor came in and he grabs my wrist and says I need a word Agent hedgehog.   Oh Okay.  Okay baby I will be right back.  Okay baby I think I can wait.  I followed the  doctor into his office. He sits behind his desk and gestured for me to sit.  I do and ask  what do you need doctor.  I  am pleased to tell you Shadow will live but unfortunately he will not be able to walk ever again and he Will not  be  able to use his  left arm anymore either. By the way you will have to do everything for him bathing and everything.  Oh doctor what am I gonna do and how do I tell him and his parents.  
I know you will figure out what to do but I Will help break the news.  Okay sir I am ready.   I  get up and walk to the door and  then go back to shadow and I  flipped down next to him on the bed and press my lips to his and licked his bottom lip for entrance  he opens his mouth and I wrestle his tounge for a minute then we pull apart from lack of air.  I get up the nerve and say shadow this  is hard for me to tell you but I'm afraid I can't let you leave my house  ever because I am gonna have to take up ever thing and I  am going to have to bathe and dress and wheel you around and everything.  But baby why I don't understand I feel  fine.  I'm sorry baby I talked with the doctor and your paralyzed from the waist down and your left arm as well. 

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