Suprise And Bath Time

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Sonic Pov

I am just  about to finish the story when I hear a loud knock on the door.  Who is it?  It's Mitch  McConnell I need  a word  with you about the apartment.   Oh  just a minute.   I turned the hear down on the stove and let in my landlord.  Sonic I hear you  have  another person here. Yes sir I have my boyfriend here in the living room. Okay sonic  he can stay here with you but I expect you to inform me when  you plan to have someone staying here. Okay sir I will  I actually just got home from work  a half hour ago so sorry I didn't call. Oh okay then I'll just go then.   By the way what ever you are  cooking  smells great thank you  would  you like  to  know  what it is?  Oh yes sonic.   It's lamb chops  and mashed yams.  Oh sounds delicious.   I can save some for you if you like.   Okay  but I  don't think I've  ever had lamb chops  before. Oh okay  I'll save some come by tomorrow morning and I will give it to you.  Okay but I don't want  to impose.  Your not I'm always  happy  to share and help when I can.  Okay I will be going  now  but I'm afraid I can't let you have any more people staying  here other than that boyfriend of yours. Okay sir I understand.  Bye sonic see you tomorrow morning.   Baby! Yeah  shadz  who was at the door.  Oh just the landlord hon. It's okay baby I took care of it.  Oh okay then I'll just go back to watching tv.  Okay baby diner will be done in a half hour or so.  Okay baby I can't wait.   I go over to the bed and  pick up my phone and I dial the number  for rouge and press send.  Hello? Who  is this  hey Rouge  its sonic.  I hope you don't mind me asking but could you meet me outside shadows moms house in fifteen minutes please.  Yeah sure is everything okay?  Yeah I just want to talk about  something.  I am  sorry but I can't say more until I'm at the location.   Okay I'll be there.  Thanks bye. Bye.   I gotta go out for a minute baby I'll be back in a  little while  the  stove  is still on so I need you to watch  dinner wile I'm gone.  Okay baby but why are you leaving.  I am just going to check on your parents and go meet a friend of mine. Okay baby.  I pick him up and carry him to the kitchen  were I set him up so he can supervise  supper.  I know you will be fine but if you need anything just call me or you can just yell someone will check in.  Okay baby I think I am going to fine.  Okay baby be careful.   I  then  head over to shadows mom's house and see that rouge is already there I pull up next to her and say come on I need to talk to you and his parents.   Okay.  I head up to the door  and I knock on the door.  Who's  there it's sonic and  rouge.  Okay just let me open the door.   I am sorry it's kinda late but could I maybe talk to you about shadow?  Sure  thing but is something wrong?  No I just need a little background info on his likes and dislikes.   Oh okay then come in.   I step into the house and sit down on the couch in the living room.  And I look up at Mr  hedgehog and say I am  sorry  but I wanted to ask if you knew if Shadow likes lamb chops and mashed yams. Yeah  he always  asks for that on his birthday why?  Because I am making that for dinner tonight and I didn't  know if he likes it.  He likes just about any food but beware of crabs and lobster sometimes he gets a little sick on them.  Oh  how sick? Just a mild upset stomach.   Oh okay then I'll just have to be aware of that.  I also need to  know what sort of music he likes.  Oh  he likes anything  really  but he especially likes love songs.  He gose crazy for slow and romantic music and he likes to slow dance too. Oh  okay then I'll have to help him stand though he is partially paralyzed on the left side of his body and his  right leg isn't functioning either.  Oh okay then how is he gonna get anything done and be clean and everything.  I'll have to do it  for him of course. Oh  so you're  gonna  bathe him and everything?   Yes sir I am.  Wow but he'll still be in School and stuff right.  I don't know but not for a month at least. Okay but I am not going to be comfortable with him missing his classwork and everything.  I don't know what to tell you but he needs a little time to heal after being  shot earlier today.   Oh yeah. Well I  suppose I should  go back to my house and check on him and dinner.  Oh okay bye. Bye I then leave and go back to my house and get ready to set up for dinner.  I put a fancy tablecloth and set up candle light for dinner tonight and then I set to place settings right beside each other so I can help feed him and feed myself  too.  Okay  baby  how's dinner I don't  know  Im not a very good  cook.  Okay baby I will take  a look. I look into the pans and I see that everything is done except  mashing the yams so I drain them and mash them and add butter and brown sugar  and a little salt and pepper to taste. And I look up at my baby and say dinner is done and by the  way  your dad tells me it's your favorite thing to have on your  birthday.  Oh okay I will be greatful for your help eating it. Okay baby I planned  on it any way.  I picked him up and carry him to the dinning room table were I already lite the candles and everything. I  then get his plate and mine and I give him a healthy helping of lamb chops and mashed yams.  I then get my plate and return to the table.  Here you go babe I will be right back I just have to get a sharp  knife to cut the lamb chops with.  Oh okay then hot stuff I'll be right here waiting for you.   I  know baby.   I  then go back to the kitchen and  grab a sharp  knife and a bottle of sparkling grape juice.  I am just about to cut his lamb chops when I hear a lot of shouting next door.  Okay baby I will be right back I need to  Check on the neighbors.  Okay baby but why?  I  am afraid that this  is a situation that is  not typical for them so I- crash  just as I was about  to finish  my sentence there was the sound of breaking  glass and a Loud crash and the a blood chilling scream  so I quickly pull my pistol from under the  bed and pick up my phone and I head over to the door and  look out at the neighbors door and see it's been kicked off the hinges.  I  know now that something  is  horribly wrong.  I dial a number I'm all to familiar with.  GUN hq how may I direct your call.  Madam Secretary this agent hedgehog  I need immediate gun patrol at my apartment  there's  been a break  in at my neighbors place.  Rodger agent  hedgehog I'll  notify patrol right away away sir. Okay I must go in and check on the neighbor negative  agent hedgehog I advise you wait for back up to arrive. Sorry but people  are  in danger I have to act now.  Okay sir but be careful in there. Okay. Stand by.  I take my phone and I sit it down and rush over to my neighbors.  GUN special  forces squad  if your there sound off.  I  hear a loud grown and a voice saying shut up  or you die.  So I picked up my phone say this covers code three hostage situation.  Okay  sir  stay calm and open  the door for the patrol sir.   I  head straight back to the main door for the building and open the  door to see at least a fifty man armed force I hold the  door and  they rush in I then lead the way gun drawn and point to the unit with the intruder and the hostage.  GUN special forces squad what is your  demands for the  release of the innocent civilians?  I  am only demanding one thing agent hedgehog.  Oh  and that is what exactly?  I'll let them go if you take thier place.  I lean close to the lead of the G.U.N patrol and whisper in my apartment is my boyfriend I want you to get him and tell him l  am  okay but I am not going to be able to have dinner right away.  Also put my boyfriend  in to the car and get him back to hq.  Okay sir but I don't think it's a good idea to give in to his demands.  After You get back  to hq go up to the commander and report the blue bird is a fallen and he Will know what it means. Okay sir  I  will.   I just  have one question  why do I need to put your boyfriend in to the car can't he get In on his own.  No he's paralyzed on the left side.  Oh okay then.   I  then put my pistol and my phone  down and walk over to the intruder and the hostage.  The intruder releases my neighbors  and  grabs  me and we walk out to his car and he shoves me into the front seat and strap on my seatbelt then he gose around and gets In the driver's  seat and says I am taking you back to the ootdk hq.  I just look at him and he drives off.  As we  drive off I see that the gun has shadow  and is taking him to headquarters. I  wink at the agent and he give thumbs up to show he knows. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2019 ⏰

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