Meeting Shadows Parents

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Just then the teacher stands up in front. Okay class settle down.  I'm Mr. Groden I will  be your  homeroom  and English  teacher.  I relize most of you already  know  that but I see a new face here  today.  Son why don't you come up here and tell us a little about yourself.  Okay I will. As I get up I reach over and grab Shadows hand and pull him with me.  Sorry Mr. Groden I am more comfortable with him being up here to. Fine but I  need you to  please  remember I do not allow  hand holding in my class.  Okay sorry sir.  Now  if you'll please tell us a little about yourself. Okay  I am Sonic the hedgehog I am sure some of you  may have heard about the many times I've saved Mobus from destruction? Yes I have. Okay I will be available at lunch to discuss  but I'm not sure why I want you to be my friends but I am not going to tolerate  betrayal  so keep that in mind. Dose any one  have  anything  to ask of me.  I do. I turned to look at the boy raising his  hand. OKay what's your  name and your question?  I'm Silver and  I was just wondering  what  it's like to be  a hero?  It's a lot of work  and a lot of training  and not  to mention that it's tiring not that I mind it.  Hey Sonic  I have something to ask you. Yes and what is it and give me your name. Well I'm Amy and I was wondering  if you  ever  get time off to  spend with family?   No my family is dead but I have  everything I need.  Oh Sonic tell us  what happened to your family  please.   I don't like thinking about that night but I'm sure you would not like  it very much.   Oh please Sonic tell us.  Okay I will bu settle in because it's a long story.  I was born in a place called Emerald city on May 11th at 10:30 pm my twin baby sister was born at 10:35 pm. I and my twin  baby sister lived in peace with our mom and dad until I was 5 years old.  On my 5th birthday The G.U.N  came to my Moms house  and she  turns to me and says  honey I want you to  take  your sister and run .  Run as far away as you can and keep  her safe. Okay momma  but what  about you?  Just go honey there's no time I have to hold them off until you get away.  But momma I need you I says.  I know  honey I'll always  be with  now go quickly before  they get here.  Okay  I will.  I run upstairs two at a time grab my baby sister and I  run  down  the stairs and out the back of the house. I ran and ran and ran until i confronted the G.U.N on our  lawn. Then there's a scuffle and a gunshot. I  look straight back home and there's my dad dead in the yard. Next they turn to my momma  and she tries to run. But bang they shot her in the back. They then see me watching from up the road on top of a hill overlooking my family home.   Bang  bang then I feel my baby sister go limp in my arms. I sob hysterical at this point and lie her  on the ground and I dropped next to her and I cried and cried. Then I hear footsteps I look up and  straight into the eyes of the Comanding Officer of the G.U.N.  I keeled thier and said  what did we ever do to you to deserve this?  Its not what you did it's who you are that's the problem.  What do you want from me I say?  What do you think  we wanted?  I have no clue I tell him.  Well here's a little clue you'll  be  coming with us or you will never be able to have  peace he chuckles.  I try to get up and he holds me down on my knees and struck me in the head.  When I came to I was strapped to a table and I am  unable to speak  or move I see that I am in some kind of chamber  and he is  standing  over me.  Oh finally  awake  I see he says.  I have proposal  for you.  You can either go and follow  orders or we can  keep you detained and torture you into following orders.  I  will give you  an hour to decide.  He walks  away.  An hour later he  comes back.  Hey have you decided? I  have I say. And? I will help  you  but I won't like it.  Very wise decision. Now  let's get you suited up. Shall we? I guess.  This way.  I followed him out and he grabs all the  gear I will need and says  here and head straight up those steps and our training officer will meet you  there.  Okay  I am ready.  I head up the stairs and to my surprise I see a very familiar face.  Sonic! Tails! Hey buddy it's good  to see you after all  these years. I know  and first off sonic I'm sorry about  your  mom and dad and baby sister.   How did  you  know? I so sorry  sonic but I didn't  have a choice I had to follow  orders.  I had to kill them or they will kill me and them.  So you shot my baby sister?  Yes sonic.  Well here's a little something just for you. Pow I docked hikm in the muzzle.  Then from behind  me I hear you will respect  your  trainer and partner sonic or its the torture  room for you.   Fine but I need a moment  before  training.  Okay but I am not a patient man sonic remember that.  Okay I will.   After eighteen months of  vigorous exercise and training  they declared me an official  of the G.U.N.  I worked  my tail off  for  years now  and I still can't get the images of  my dead family  out of my head.  I  have worked  my way up to a Lt. in the G.U.N.  So any other questions about me because I  am  really  not happy  now. Oh Sonic  tell us all how far you can run and how fast.  I am known as sonic because as I take off at full speed  I actually make  a sound. I can pretty much run for  however long and however far the job demands.  So teach  can i sit down  now.  Yes I'm sorry they kinda made you share your parents death with them. It's okay  but I am not going to be able to speak or move for a little wile. I need to recover from the story telling.  Oh okay then I'll just let you go to the counselor office  she can help.  Shadow  why don't you accompany  mr. Sonic  to the counselor office and stay there with  him unless he does not  want you to.   Okay I will be there for  my baby.  Okay Shadz but can you  hold me  during the walk? Sure thing baby I will.  At least I don't  have to tell that stupid  story again.  Well baby I think  it might be good to tell it one more time to the counselor.  Okay but I am not going to you can explain it to her.  Oh Sonic I will have to be honest with you I am not sure  I can do that as well as you. Well I can help you but I'm not sure I can  tell the whole story again. As he was about to respond there was a call  from  behind us. Excuse me shaDow but do you two have a pass to  be away from class? Yes sir mr. brown it's here. Okay  let me see it please.  Here it is sir.  Okay  I will  escort  you to  so you won't have any  more  issues  but why are you going to the counselor if you don't mind me asking?  Sonic was kinda forced into telling the class a very painful  story about his chilhood.  Oh okay. What teacher? Mr.Groden but it was the class  that pressured him into sharing it.  Okay  I will have  the principal  check in with  you later. Okay Mr. Brown.  Here we are sonic and remember if you have any more issues please don't  hesitate to ask for me or the principal.  Okay I will but why are you so caring about me I mean I'm a complete stranger to you. Well  here's a little secret I am the assistant principal as of today.  Oh okay then I'll just go into the counselor office she is probably expecting us.  Okay then  remember what I said  sonic. Okay I will.   I turn to the counselor office and  knock on the door. Come  in. I open the  door and I am just starting to shake again.  Shadow  why are you here  and what is wrong with your classmate.  He needs some time to relax our class  pressed him for information a bout when he lost his  whole family.  Oh honey sir down and please  tell me if  I  can help in any way I will go speak to principal Don.  Okay I will stay here with him unless he does not want me too.   No baby stay i need you to.  Okay shh shh I'm here for you no matter what baby.  Just then the counselor comes back and she brings  the principal  with her. So Mr. Sonic I hear your  class pressured you into talking about  something  very painful  hmm? Yes sir but I don't  want to cause any  trouble for them.  They aren't in  trouble but I'm here to ensure that you are  going to be okay and to make  sure you feel secure in your new school. I  understand the kids at your old school bullies and harassed you  a lot so i want you to  tell me straight away if that happens. Okay but I am not going to be able To go back to class for a little while.   That's fine hon you stay as long as you need.  Im here to talk  if you need to. Okay I need you to make me an appointment for  outside therapy. Okay hon but I should  talk to your contact person about  that hon.  I don't have any one to contact I am alone in this world I sob. What do you mean hon? I  have been on my own from 5 years old I have no family or  even friends to help in that sense.  Oh Sonic I will have to be sure  to remember.  I'm here to speak to you if you'll let me.  I  can't but he can tell you  the whole  story.  Okay I will try.  I zoned out while Shadow  told the whole story again but I filled in detail here and there. Oh Sonic I am sorry I dont know  how you do it on your own but i am here for you if you need to talk.Okay thanks I think  I'm okay to go back to class but I'm not wanting to be bombarded with questions as soon as I walk in the  room. Okay I will escort you to class and inform your  teachers to discourage that so you can be okay.   Thanks  I should go back now  just the the bell rung to signal that it's time for History. As we walked to class  I asked the counselor if she could see about  keeping  me and shadow together and she said  she would have to see both our schedules so we gave them to her well sonic I'm sorry about this but you should know that he's already in all your  classes except lunch witch you have outside and he gose  home for lunch.  Okay I will be okay during lunch I guess. Nonsense baby you know I don't mind you coming with me if the school is cool with it. Okay I will.  But won't  your  mom and dad be mad? Nah they don't mind but I can't say I don't have to  ask first. Okay  you two here we are your history class.  Okay so if Shadows  parents are cool with it  can I eat at shadows? Sure sonic but remember that you have to be back here  by time for your afternoon classes. Oh I will be. Bye thanks for the talk.  Okay I am going to be talking to hour teachers and ask that they ensure you aren't pressured into taliking. Okay I will see you around. Yep see you around.  I stay close behind  shadow and we go and sit down  together.   Hey  newbie what's your name.   I whip round and I see a purple furred  cat sitting next to me. Hey I am  sonic. Sonic the hedgehog. What's your name?  Mileena.  Mileena the cat. Oh hi i- ahem. I turn around to see a male cat with his arms crossed and an evil glare fixed on me.  Listen newbie I don't like  you talking to my girl so if I were you I'd zip it.  Okay but just  so you know I am gay so I wouldn't touch  that with a twelve foot pole.  Wham I don't  like you saying that about  my girl she is beautiful inside and out so let's get one thing  straight  don't talk to her don't look at her and don't even think of her. Got it?  Yes by the way  I think my boyfriend wants a word with you about  punching  me like that.  Wait  what are you wearing on your neck. I took the chain around my neck and show him it.  I laughed as all the color  drains from his face when he sees the dogtags  his worst nightmare Shadow.  Then his eyes look at the ring on my right hand and he gaps and gets down on the floor and says I can't believe I just assaulted the boyfriend of Shadow  Hedgehog I'm a dead man when he finds out. Ahem! He wips around and screams  as he realizes who coughed.  So you mind  telling me  why my boy  has a bloody lip and broken nose?  I'm s-s-so sorry  shadow  I didn't know or see him wearing the tags and ring til after I smashed his nose and mouth.  I heard him talking to my girl and I told him to back of. He said he was  gay and wouldn't touch that with a twelve foot pole I punched him.  Okay now you and I are going  on a little  field trip come with me.  He grabs  him by the wrist and drags him up to the teachers desk and says I need to speak  to the principal now. Okay  Shadow why? This one thought it okay to slug the new kid and break his nose. Oh okay then I'll just have you escort  him and Mr. Sonic to the office  please.  Yes sir.  Come  on baby let's get that taken care of okay shadow.  It was then that I noticed he was wearing a badge that said student body president and hall monitor.  I  slow say shadow? Hmmm? Is that badge true. What? Oh yes it is why I just didnt relize my boyfriend is a student body president and a hall monitor.  Yeah I am but  don't think I'll let you  off just because I love you.  I wouldn't  want you to baby.   Oh okay then. Here baby you  need to try to slow the blood loss.  Okay I will babe. I  put the tissue up to my nose and try to stem the flow of blood.  Ahem. Shadow why are you here and  what is wrong with your classmates nose.   Oh nurse I oversaw this student Punch my boyfriend here in the face I think he broke his nose. Okay let's get you to my office  and on the way we'll get  the principal.  Okay thanks  for the assist nurse. Of course us officials have to stick together. What is your name dear? Im sonic miss. Of course I should have known when I saw you. You know  you look just like  your father did at your age. H-how did you know my father? I was in school with him and your  momma. Maybe they can pick you up and take you to the ER? No my family is is dead all of them. Oh my dear im so sorry to hear that. Didn't you have a little  twin  baby sister? Yes but sadly she was shot and killed in my  very arms and died seconds later. Oh I'm sorry to hear that I bet you  miss them so much . When did this happen? On my  5th birthday The G.U.N came to my Moms house and killed my whole family and forced me to work for Them ever since. Oh I can't believe it. Well  believe it it's true. So who takes care of you? Your looking at him. Oh Sonic I am sorry I didn't mean to upset you. You didn't know I really appreciate it if you don't talk about my family anymore.  Okay I will respect that but i am here for you if you'll let me know if I can help.   Okay I will but I am not going to discuss this further.  Okay  um sonic I hope you don't mind me asking but can I hold your hand  babe. Okay shadow  but please don't let go of  him.  Oh I won't  babe don't you worry. This brat is a repeat offender and  the principal is not going to be happy to see you or this brat.  Oh finally here.  Knock  knock.  Come in excuse me  Secretary  but is principal  Brown or Don available? Yes sir thier both in thier office  wait one sec.  Knock knock.  Who is it? !It's Secretary I have  the student  body president and a couple  classmates here to see you. Let them in. Okay  sir. You may go in Mr. President.  Okay thanks  Secretary.  Hello  shadow  what can we do for you-  he pauses as I come in  through the door.  What happened this time Shadow.  He jerkers the CAT round  to  face with the  principals. I went  to  talk with the teacher and this  student  Punch my boyfriend here in the face I think he said he heard sonic talking  to his girlfriend and he said to back off. Sonic dose but  said  he was gay and wouldn't touch that with a twelve foot pole so he punched sonic and I think he broke his nose.  Oh okay thanks  Shadow  don't  worry I will  deal with this from  here.  Okay I will not leave sonic  alone sir. And you shouldn't.  I  want you to take  Mr. Hedgehog to the  nurses  station I can handle  the other.  Okay  I will. The principal pomits to a chair across from his desk and the male cat sits quickly before they get angrier.  We then leave and head over to the  nurses station I sit down on the bed she  indicates and she brings over a bunch if tissues and says I want you to hold these on your nose wile get the phone and find someone to take you to the ER. Wait nurse just hand me a phone  I will  call my mom and dad and see if one of them would be  willing to  help.  Okay here you go.
Shadows  Pov

I dial my  mom first and I hear there rings the hello?  Hey mom it's Shadow listen I don't know if your busy but I need to ask a favor  for a friend of mine.  Okay who? He's a new kid in school and I was wondering if you could come pick us up and take him to the  ER. Why can't his  mom take him? No his whole  family is  dead he has no one.   Oh honey I'll be happy to help you but I need five minutes to get there. Okay I will be here. Okay hon. Thanks mom I love you.  You too baby.  Bye mom bye hon.  Five minutes later she came in to the nurses station and  says I need to pick up my son and  his friend.  Okay this way.  Knock knock.  Come in your mom's here for you Shadow. Thanks. Honey who is this.  This is my friend I told you  about.   Oh hi honey I'm Mrs hedgehog I'm shadows mom.  Okay I am Sonic the hedgehog I don't know if you heard of me but I'm actually  a hero of sorts. Wait Sonic the Sonic? Yes I am but  I don't  want any special treatment  I just want to be like  everyone else.  Okay um I couldn't get the car shadow  so I am afraid we'll have to walk. No nonsense we can take  my car.  Oh you have  a car? Yes it's a company car but I  drive it to school and everything.  Oh  Sonic I don't  know if you should be driving  like  that. I'm not  but I letting you drive but be careful she's my baby and I can't get caught  letting you drive but I don't have a choice.  Here are the keys but I need one of you to guide me cause I can't see my feet very well  like  this. If it's not too fowand of me who attacked you?  Some  boy in my history class he is  in the other room with the principal. Oh good.   Let's go. Okay baby hang onto me and I will help you.  Okay I will be fine once I get to The ER. We sign out of the school then we got to my car. Sonic who's that watching over there. I look where he pointed out and to my absolute dismay is my Comanding Officer. Sonic  you know that man. Yeah he's my  boss I'm going to be in for it this time.  I removed the tissues and saluted my co. At ease soldier. Sir yes sir. I hope your  not planning on letting her drive Sonic the hedgehog.  I  am sorry sir I don't know what else to do I have a broken nose and need to get to the dr.  Oh well  sonic you know company policy states no one drive a company car but a soldier or agent.  Sir yes sir I  will  dri've sir please return  my keys  miss. Okay sonic but drive carefully.  I will be fine  mama.  Okay  here.  Thank you miss.  Sir you ride in the back mama your in the shotgun seat.  Okay baby  but why the sudden  change hmmm ?  All soldiers and agents must be  polite at all times in the presence of the Comanding Officer of the G.U.N sir.  Oh I see my love.   Please sir get in your seat sir. I must be going  sir. Oh ok sure.  I need you to get that taken care of.   I get In and he gets in the driver's seat and says sir you coming  sir. No agent hedgehog I'm not.  Very good sir thank you for your time sir.  He grabs his seatbelt and puts it on.  So we do the same.  He slowly pulls out and heads out of the school parking lot and he gose straight to the direction of the ER. He glanced at me in the mirror and says sorry  about that guys I have to be that way eveey time he's  around.  Oh Sonic I understand he seems to be a little unstable if you know what I mean. As he was about to respond there was a a call on his radio. All units respond  code diamond in progress. He grabs the radio and say this is agent hedgehog what is your twenty.  Forth and maple agent hedgehog  hurry we got an agent down repeat agent down. This is my favorite part. Agent hedgehog what is  your eta.  Five to ten minutes over.  Oh okay I'm under fire I repeat I'm  taking  fire.  Agent tails do read. I read you loud and clear  agent hedgehog.  Head over to forth and maple reports of an agent Down and another under fire. On my way  agent hedgehog.  He guns the accelerator and  blades to forth and maple.  Okay baby stay here with your mom and don't even think of of getting out of this car.  He picks up his loudspeakers and  says clear the road gun patrol inbound.   He then grabs his radio again  gun hq this is  agent hedgehog I need immediate gun  patrol and reinforcements Rodger agent hedgehog what is your twenty  hq my twenty I forth and maple reports of an agent Down and another under fire I'm headed in to assist.  Rodger agent hedgehog be careful out there. Ten four hq. Over and out.  He the reached under his seat and grabs a pistol and a recover he hand me the revolver and says  protect your mom.  He turns and runs over to the other agents and  drops down and place an ear to his fallen commrads chest. I see him kinda  freaking out abit. He runs back to the car GUN hq agent hedgehog  here do you read. Loud and clear  agent hedgehog I need immediate medical  evac for two gun agents over. Rodger agent hedgehog evac is on the way just prep for transport.  Rodger hq  what is thier eta. Five minutes agent hedgehog Rodger hq over and out agent tails what's your  twenty.  Right behind you over.  I  look and there was indeed  a two tailed fox running up prep those  agents  for med evac.  Okay partner. 

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