Chapter 1: Rules of the Game

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Spiritus Mundi College, Oxford. Year: 1990

"This," said Professor Arthur Merriwood with a grand gesture of his hand, "is a page from the notebook of a little-known Spanish alchemist of the 12th century." He stopped to clear his throat and adjusted the microphone on the lectern. "It was recently discovered buried under a mound of books in the storeroom of a small museum in Granada. The text is written in archaic Spanish and outlines the theoretical production of an alchemical substance known as Universal Matter." 

He turned to look at the giant lecture hall screen behind him. It displayed a scanned copy of an ancient-looking notebook complete with sketches and surrounded by huddled-up writing. Every last space on the page had been utilised. 

Using a laser pointer, the professor indicated one section of the central diagram. 

"Menendo designed this amulet with the sole purpose of creating Universal Matter when used by a specific person. The notes suggest that this is a crystalline material which can only be created through the perfect balancing of the elements. And I'm not talking here about our modern periodic table. I'm referring to the universal elements of Fire, Air, Water and Earth. Plus one other, but I shall return to that a little later." 

He moved on to the next slide. "This circle, divided into quarters, represents the balance of the four elements." The diagram depicted a triangle in each segment of the circle, two upwards-pointing, two downwards-pointing. One of the upwards-facing and one of the downwards-facing triangles was bisected by a horizontal line. 

"Do not be fooled by the names of these elements; names are simply convenient labels. When we talk about the element of Fire, we are not referring to the fire of the physical world, rather a universal energy which has some attributes in common with the fire we all know – namely heat and expansiveness." 

Arthur noted the slightly bewildered expression on some of his students' faces. "But we will study these elements in more detail in a future lecture." He flicked back to the previous slide and the diagram of the amulet. 

"It is said by master alchemists that this Universal Matter is capable of emanating a continuous supply of what we might call Life Force. It is named differently in various traditions around the world: chi in China, prana in India. I've also seen it referred to as cosmic energy and vital energy. What we call it is of little consequence. The point is that they claim that this substance emanates this force without ever depleting itself." 

He paused again, this time for dramatic effect. "What you are looking at, ladies and gentlemen, is a recipe for an unlimited supply of energy. Free, clean, safe energy. No more pollution. No more nuclear waste. No more artificial divides between developed and undeveloped countries. Just imagine how this stuff could potentially change our entire civilisation! One small grain of the stuff could power an entire city – not for a month or a year, but forever." 

An excited mumbling began to circulate through the lecture theatre. 

"But of course, it's all myth. The ramblings of a man who lived before the Industrial Revolution, before the many, wondrous scientific discoveries of the 20th century and therefore didn't know any better, right? I'll leave that for you to decide." 

He clapped his hands and smiled broadly at the students before him. "Welcome to your elective course in Esoteric Studies! I'm Professor Arthur Merriwood and this is my third year teaching the course you are about to undertake. Sure, it's a relatively new course and sure, I'm a relatively inexperienced professor. I can assure you, however, that what I lack in experience, I more than make up for in dashing good looks and youthful enthusiasm." 

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