Chapter 14: Memories

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Ethan stuck down the front cover of the photo album. After three hours of cutting, sticking and labelling, it was finally complete. He picked the album up off the floor and took a good look at it. Everything else was spread out on the faded red carpet – rejected photographs, glue, bits of paper, sticky labels, rose oil. He only realised how sore his back and neck were when he eventually stood up and stretched. 

It felt good to stretch. He took the album over to his bed, sat down cross-legged and opened it to the first page. The sweet scent of roses wafted out from the page as he examined the photograph for the umpteenth time. It was of his mum holding him as a tiny baby. He was only a few weeks old in the picture. His mum looked young and full of life. A huge smile lightened her face and she was wearing bright summer clothing. 

He looked around the room. The house felt clearer somehow; sunnier. Whether it was as a result of the ritual or the placebo effect kicking in, he wasn't sure. Best to keep an open mind. He wrapped the album in some red tissue paper and hid it on top of his wardrobe then looked at his watch – he'd said he'd be at Courtney's house for three o'clock and he wanted to pick up some Christmas gifts for his dad on the way there. Snatching his jacket off the back of the chair, Ethan patted his pockets to check for his wallet and phone, and left the house. 

Ethan arrived at Courtney's house carrying a plastic bag containing a seventies music compilation CD and an action DVD for his dad. 

"Hey!" Courtney hurried him inside. "We're gonna have fun today, I can feel it!" She was so enthusiastic that Ethan began to feel excited too. They had agreed to try out some rituals and exercises to help him explore some of his abilities in a controlled way. Aside from Amira, Courtney was the only person that he felt took what he was going through seriously and understood where he was coming from. They'd been emailing back and forth intensely for several days; discussing spiritual and philosophical topics. It was great to have somebody to bounce ideas off. 

"You ready for some magic?" she asked, eyes wide. 

Ethan grinned. "Always am." His phone beeped. He flicked it open. It was a text message from Connor: Tomorrow evening is great. Cinema sounds good. Meet you at 8? 

"Connor?" Courtney craned her neck. 

Ethan pulled his phone away. "Might be." He stuck his tongue out at her. She disappeared into the kitchen humming Love is in the Air. He texted back that eight o'clock was fine and followed her into the kitchen. 

"So what did you have in mind then? For today?" he asked as Courtney threw him a packet of crisps. Cheese and onion. His favourite. 

"Well, you said you'd read about the transference of consciousness exercise in the book. Maybe we could try that out. I can lead you through it." 

"Sounds good," he said, biting into a crisp. 

"You might not get very far today, but at least you'll know the basic technique," she said. They went up to her bedroom. She had tidied it up and made it look the part. A small table on one wall had been set up as an altar. A red cloth with a black pentagram was draped over it and on the table was a dagger, a chalice, a wand and some antique coins. He guessed that they represented the four elements, but wasn't exactly sure which was which. 

"Here." She took two cushions from her bed and passed one to him. Ethan sat cross-legged on the floor facing the altar and watched as Courtney lit some candles and incense and then took a large blue-green crystal from the bookshelf. She sat down next to him and placed the crystal carefully on the floor in front of them. It was beautiful; a cluster of pointed wands jutting out from the base. 

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