Chapter 6: Closing In

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"We believe we have located Ethan King!" Elroy didn't try to suppress his excitement; after all, they had been searching for almost a year. Not only had Elroy been using every supernatural power that he possessed over the past twelve months in an effort to find Ethan King, but his group had been searching in more traditional ways: Internet, telephone directories, private investigation... 

A round of applause, accompanied by several celebratory whistles and whoops echoed around the hall of the former spiritualist church. 

"Although we are very confident that we have the right person, I will travel to Liverpool in order to get a glimpse of this boy myself. Once I see him in the flesh, I will know for sure one way or the other." He crossed his arms over his chest and fixed his gaze on the group. 

"He is a teenager – seventeen years old, I believe. Not even a man. But don't let that fool you. We know how dangerous this boy is and what he is capable of. We know that the very future of human society depends on us dealing with this threat in an efficient and appropriate way." Elroy took a serious breath. "Although I think we could all agree that, under these circumstances, dramatic measures would be justified, I have been... advised... that we should attempt to prevent Ethan from treading the wrong path and instead persuade him to join our little group. That way we will be able to observe him and mould him. And then perhaps his abilities will be used for the benefit of humankind." 

Elroy took a few seconds to mentally reach out to the group and, using the mind control techniques which he had honed over the past year, he ensured that the entire group was in agreement with his proposed course of action. Heads nodded, eyes glazed. 

"This will be, by far, a more complicated and time-consuming course of action than the alternative, but I am confident that we will succeed. I have already begun to observe Ethan and have been subtly infiltrating his thoughts. By the time we are done with our magical and psychological techniques, the boy won't know his left from his right and will be begging us for guidance." 

Elroy nodded in the direction of Dolores who was standing with her son in the corner of the hall, to the right of Elroy. 

"Dolores and her son are instrumental to our plan. The rest of you will be assigned roles within the next few days. That is all." 

As the group began to disperse, Elroy turned to smile at Dolores and Connor as they approached. 

"That went well," said Dolores. 

"They weren't exactly in any position to answer back, were they?" Connor, Dolores's son sneered and took an earphone out of one ear, leaving it dangling down over his well-defined chest. 

Elroy buried his hands in his trouser pockets and chuckled. "This is true, young Jedi." Elroy had become somewhat of a father figure to the teenager. He had taken him under his wing and helped him to develop his own unique abilities. He had been amazed at how powerful Connor's abilities were to begin with and how well he was now able to manipulate the elements and cosmic energy. 

"Some people are born to lead, others to serve. That's just the way of the world. And we are leaders; you, your mother and I. Never forget that." Elroy patted Connor on the shoulder and then turned to Dolores. 

"How are the preparations of the facility coming along?" 

"Everything is going to plan. The last of the equipment and furniture is being delivered tomorrow afternoon," replied Dolores. 

"That's great. Soon Ethan will be in our care and the world will be a safer place for it. Now let's get going or we'll be late for our dinner reservation." 

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