Chapter 13: Breath of Life

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"Rise an' shine!" The sunlight flooded into the room as Courtney drew back the thick curtains. Ethan squinted, his eyes stinging as he sat up on the bed. Courtney stood silhouetted by the window, one hand on her hip. "Hope my bed was comfy enough for ya both." She winked. 

Ethan was still trying to get his bearings. He yawned and wiped the drool from his chin. "Sorry. I fell asleep." His voice was thick with sleep and he felt as if he'd been hit over the head repeatedly with a sledgehammer. Then he remembered the drinking. Then he remembered Connor. He'd left. 

"No shit," she said. She started to pick up some of her clothes off the floor. 

"What time is it?" Ethan asked, patting himself in search of his mobile phone. 

"Half seven," she said. "There's some orange juice in the kitchen." She watched him trying to find his pockets. "And some aspirin." 

"Uh, thanks. Is Gareth still here?" He found his phone and saw that there were several missed calls and a text message from his mum. 

"Yeah, he's downstairs. Bathroom's free." She threw some clothes in her wardrobe and left the room. 

Ethan read the message from his mum: Where are you? I'm worried. Call me. Shit. He hadn't planned on staying the night. He thought about calling her and then wondered if she'd be awake yet. He also didn't feel in any fit state to have an argument over the phone. He sent a message back: I'm fine. Slept over. Will get bus back soon. Ethan. 

He pushed himself up off the bed and found his way to the bathroom, had a pee and swilled his face with cold water. He looked in the mirror and saw a face that was paler than usual, bloodshot eyes and hair sticking in all directions. God, his breath stank. So that was a party. Interesting. 

After trying to tame his hair a little (and failing), Ethan went downstairs and found Gareth and Courtney talking in the kitchen. No sign of Connor. Gareth turned as Ethan entered the room. 

"Nice night?" he asked, smirking. People were smirking at him a lot lately. 

"We, er... I, erm... fell asleep early. Was out for the count." Ethan blushed. That was happening a lot lately too. Gareth and Courtney laughed. 

"Whatever you say," Gareth said, pouring a glass of orange juice and handing it to him. 

"Thanks." Ethan sat down at the table. He felt dizzy. And sick. Sick more than dizzy. He took a few tentative sips of orange juice. 

"I see you guys got through the best part of this bottle of vodka. Naughty boys," said Courtney. She handed him a packet of aspirin. Ethan took it, nodded a thank-you and popped a couple of tablets out of the foil. 

"So, did Connor go home then?" he asked, then downed the tablets with a mouthful of juice. 

"Yeah. He does that," Courtney said. What did that mean? He does what? Sleeps around? Goes home? Ethan didn't want to appear too interested so he just nodded and stared into his drink. 

"You guys want some toast?" she asked. She picked up the loaf of bread and started swinging it like a pendulum. 

"Sure!" Gareth said. He liked his food. Courtney looked over at Ethan and raised her eyebrows. 

"No thanks. Feel a bit sick," Ethan replied. She put two slices in the toaster and pushed it down. 

"So, you got any plans for today? Christmas shopping or something?" She practically choked on the word Christmas. He remembered the pile of books about Wicca in her bedroom. 

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