Chapter 2

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My parents are such happy people. They immediately go and call their precious friend.

I'm gonna hate everything about this.

I promise myself that no matter what, I will make sure this guy leaves me.

One week later,

My parents are at one side while this angelic dude that I'm next to is on the other with his family. My face is totally covered, my parents are big on the tradition that a bride and groom shouldn't see each other before marriage.


However good for me.

After the signing at court, my parents and my father in law with his wife are at joy with my parents hugging and just in absolute happiness. While the guy next to me, well he looks like he's miserable.

He keeps looking at me as if I'm a leech in his life.

When I shove my foot up his ass, lets see how much of a leech he thinks I am.

My parents come and hug me. They know I don't want a wedding until me and my husband have gotten to love or know each other.

They were willing from both sides to cooperate.

My father speaks to me in his language, bidding me a happy life and kissing me and hugging me out of sadness that his daughter is married.

Immediately, after everyone kisses me goodbye, my so called husband is already at his car, waiting for us to leave.

Can't this idiot wait? He lives three hours away from his and my own family. The least he could do is wait.

But no.

He honked on his car urging me to hurry up. So in short I had to rush waving to mine and his parents.

Awkwardly I got into the car. The veil still on my face.

He starts driving and we're both in silence.

"You can take off the veil. You're already annoying me."

Did he just.... the disrespect...lord help me.

I just stayed in my seat, not moving. Because if I did I would really fuck him up.

He just sighs.

"Do you not speak, look my parents haven't told me much about you. Just that you're parents and my parents know each other from back home in a different country. Isn't your mom Albanian and you're dad Tunisian."

I stood quiet.

"All my parents told me was I was getting married. And I couldn't let my fathers pride be ruined or his reputation. So I did it. But they told me nothing about you. Are you even American?"

Stupid idiot. I was born and raised in America. With a law degree. I know how to fight, use guns. I've been trained my whole life. Thank god. It would be easier to hit him.

Right then an idea popped into my hand. It'll take work but I'm willing to put the effort into it.

" family come first ..I come later. My English no good."

I replied.

Fuck yeah. Now he won't interact with me.

"Great". I hear.

"My parents got me married to a fucking uneducated chick. Fuck my life."

I was gawking under my veil. My hand in fists.

"I guess it's not that bad. This stupid chick won't even know when I'm cheat or what I'm saying."

He says and smiles to himself.

His parents like mine wanted us both to know each other ourselves. So they gave no info whatsoever. Wanting it to be a surprise for both of us. I knew zero about him like he knew about me. But this dude thinks my parents came here first. And I wasn't brought up here but back home in Tunisia.

Obviously someone doesn't use his brain much.

For the rest of the journey I keep my veil on my face. Not making convo.

We get home three hours later. Wow his house is relatively big. Almost as big as a mansion. And his house is also very technological.


He has three such nice cars. And oh my god the nature background is to die for.

He yells at me.

"Hey, go in". He indicates or tries with his hands. Since I'm someone who doesn't speak English.

I go in. There a woman there. I think she works around the house. She looks old and nice. She immediately hugs me.

"Hello, I'm Nina I'm here to help you and around the house, come on let's go to your room."

She takes me upstairs to a nice big bedroom.

"I don't know why Harris said not to bring you to his room, but it's none of my business as he says."

She smiles sadly.

This man obviously has no manners. He needs to be beaten.

She leaves me to my room and brings up luggage. Telling me to refresh myself and come down.

Yes. Now I gotta look ugly since he hasn't seen me yet.

I take out the things I put in my purse.

I have a fake unibrow, a couple of mules, two big giant front fake teeth, fake glasses, oh and a wig. It was a wig that was a brunette and it was a pixie cut. But I cut it shorter. So just imagine a haircut for men. And I wore the biggest baggy outfit I could find.

I also did my make up horrible. Too much blue eye shadow. And horrible red lipstick color.

Time to go down.

I went down after I knew I wasn't that cute looking now. I am confident about myself. So his opinion doesn't really matter to me.

As I walk to down to the diner table, I see him sitting. He turns to look at me. He just stares at me in total disgust.

He looks like he wants to die.

"Great. My parents give me the most hideous female out there. Fuck my life."

He gets up from the table and walks to his room keeping a distance.

Wow I'm liking this so far.


Hello everyone welcome to my second book. Now everyone enjoy and read.

I see young Ryan Phillips as Harris.

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