Chapter 4

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Days go by. Hours go by. Seconds go by. But my poor excuse of a husband does not go by a day without annoying me.

Having trouble understanding, let me explain.

After he told Lucy, about our forced marriage, instead of treating me horrible that poor women is kinder than ever. She believes I was forced to get married because of a cultural situation and that I don't even know English in this country, so I must be going through a lot.

That woman helps me cook for myself, and cleans up sometimes for me.

I don't know about my husband. But I just might be in love with this woman. Like jeez she's so terribly nice. She doesn't even allow Harris to treat me bad.


The name itself makes me want to throw up. Because he thinks I barely know any English he's just been putting me down, thinking I don't know what he's saying.

Like yesterday during dinner.

Yesterday during dinner

Me and Lucy just finished cooking and she is making me sit with her and Harris to eat. She talks to me a lot about her life using a lot of hand language and Google translator to help me interpret things and what she's saying.

She's nothing but a blessing. I swear. She donates, she helps kids, she doesn't keep her money for herself. And she's very respectful. She's an angel basically.

Then I see the devil's reincarnation join us for dinner.

He kissed Lucy's hands.

"Hello beautiful". He says to her in a adorable expression that would make you think he loves her a lot.

Then he looks at me.

Hey fugly". He says laughing. Like he knows I can't understand so he will take advantage.

The glass I'm holding onto. I can almost hear it break.

Lucy slaps him on the arm and tells him to be a better person.

I love how this woman instead of treating me badly because I'm the "other woman". She just tries to help me and understand me. Girl power is the best.

As we eat our food. I look at Harris, since I can feel his stare.

He looks at me like I'm a vile on earth. I look back at him with a innocent aloof like expression.

"Has anyone ever told you how much better you'd look with surgery". Then he laughs to himself.

Lucy looks at him in disbelief.

"Harris stop. You know she doesn't speak English. And you have to stop commenting on her looks. Everyone god made is his beautiful creatures." Lucy says. I swear a tear fell from my eyes.

I was happy with that until he spoke.

"Yeah, maybe. But what if the devil made her. Because she looks like a persons worst nightmare. I wonder how her parents loved her."

The glass in my hand shattered.

Lucy gasped. Harris looked shocked.

"Oh my god, let me go get the first aid kit."

She says. While Harris looks at me.

I can take anything in this world. But a word about my parents and me. Well now you've crossed the line."

Looking at him I spoke in small words.

"You, eh sorry, eh a bitch".

"What". He looks at me.

"Did you just call me a bitch?"

"Eh. Yes".

I look at him in confusion.

Lucy comes back. Harris just looks at me.

"Lucy, your friend just called me a bitch". He said angrily.

Lucy looked at me. Then looked at him.

"Why would she call you a bitch, she doesn't probably even know what that means".

Lucy looks at me.

"Rosanne, do you know the meaning of what you said".

I looked at her like I didn't know what she meant or understand it.

She took out her phone and had google translate it.

"Ohhhh". I act like I was shocked.

"Yes, tv say bitch. Eh friends say bitch." I say innocently.

Lucy looks at Harris. Who doesn't look like he believes it.

"You see Harris. She heard it on TV. And she probably saw people who looked close saying it to each other. She doesn't what the meaning of what she's saying. So take it easy".

Harris looks unconvinced. And you know what I don't care. He's an asshole.

But I could see that he was disregarding it. Since he just nods. While Lucy cleans my bloody hand up from the glass and tells me to be careful while holding the glass.

I want to tell her how much I hate the man I'm living with. But I keep quiet.


Lucy has gone home. But my piece of shit husband is home. I can hear him on the phone. And since I have nothing else to do I just eavesdrop.

"Yeah. Ok I mean sure". This is what Harris is saying through my door. Sounds like a boring convo. I was going to leave until..

"I mean Lucy is kind and smart and beautiful. And you know I love my nights with her. If you know what I'm talking about". I hear him say while laughing.

"But she's so boring. That chick doesn't fight,argue or anything. I only tolerate her because she's quiet. After a while I'll leave her. So no worries man. Because I know you want her too. Which is totally fine with me. After I break it up with her, just become her friend and approach her. Then take her when she's vulnerable." He says proudly.

What the actual fuck. No seriously. What the fuck.

I can feel myself burning.

Without realizing my consequences. I get out of my room and I rush to Harris and take his phone and throw it on the ground.

I look at him with so much anger.

He looks at me with just the same amount of anger.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, fugly".

And then I realized I had no explanation. What the hell do I say?

Now I'm panicking.

Enjoy y'all. Spread and love and peace

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