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Let's start this topic with us.
None of us is perfect, all of us have flaws!!
How can we expect others to accept us if we don't accept ourselves.Learn to accept yourself with all your flaws.
You are beautiful but your imperfection makes you more. Know your value, people have to accept you to be in your life.Why feel shame about ourselves?. It's the worst you can do to yourself. If you feel ashamed about yourself you indirectly are shaming on your parents, your past and all the people related to you.
Be proud of your flflaws
Your mistakes make you a better and a stronger version of yourself. So why be ashamed of it??
Make mistakes, it's one of the way to learn. You can't learn without experiencing anything.
But let me clear one thing that making same mistakes again and again is called foolishness.
Making mistakes is good till we learn something from it.
Every thing, every moment teachea us something. The only thing we got to have is open mind to capture the idea behind it and our will to learn.
Don't feel sad if people start to walk out of your life just because of your flaws and past. Let them go. They go for the best. Be with people who treasure you with your whole self. There's no space in your life for those people who make you feel bad and emit negative vibes.
So just accept yourself. Believe me you are beautiful. Your heart is beautiful. I accept you all with your flaws and others do it too. But you just have to make out who are those people and be with them.
Till next chapter byby. And please please do comment guys. I want to hear from you guys. It could be a simple hi Or hello, I would just appreciate it a lot💜💜💜💜💜

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