About This Guide

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This guide has a few major points that I'd like to cover with you. It's based on a few factors: my personal experience, my personal opinion, and online facts that I've dug up (and will site as they come up). I will also refer to the Vault-Tec Survival Guide a few times as well.

You'll read about:
*my personal trader build, complete with S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes and perk cards
*the difference between "permanent perks" and "temporary perks"
*what items you should and should not sell
*how to utilize your C.A.M.P.'s vending machine like a professional trader
*which workshops are the most beneficial to claim
*how to get scrap fast (without claiming a workshop) and maintain it
*how to maximize your inventory space and stash space

WARNING: The tone of this book is more serious than my fanfictions, so I recommend it for more serious players. It's a guide to help you with a specific play setting and nothing more. So before you add comments like, "whoa, calm down, it's just a game, I'll sell what I want for how much I want, blah blah blah," keep this in mind. I realize that this guide is going to sound a bit too serious, but in truth, I had a LOT of fun making it and hope to make similar ones in the future.

I also hope that you find use in this book, or at least some humor. Remember to leave some comments if you'd like to add anything to the guide that I may have missed, and give it a vote so other wasteland survivors can find it! Good luck out there, and happy gaming!

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