My Personal Prices

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Note that this list will change frequently as I add more chems/foods to the list, or if market/demand changes.

Addictol (10)
Berry Mentats (20)
Buffout (10)
Bufftats (15)
Calmex (15)
Daddy-O (10)
Day Tripper (10)
Fury (10)
Grape Mentats (15)
Med-X (10)
Mentats (10)
Orange Mentats (15)
Psycho (10)
Psychotats (10)
Rad-X (8)
Rad-X: Diluted (4)
RadAway (8)
RadAway: Diluted (4)
Stimpak (20)
Stimpak: Diluted (10)
Stimpak: Super (30)
Any Prewar Food (2)
Nuka-Cola (2)
Nuka-Cola Cherry (10)
Nuka-Cola Quantum (20)
Purified Water (3)
Bobbleheads (100)
Magazines (100)



Now that Bobbleheads and Magazines are trophy items to put on display in your C.A.M.P., people pay good money for them. Utilize this. Make these your most expensive Aid items. Keep in mind, they're not easy to find, and there's a ton of magazines to collect.


Food! Everyone's gotta have it. But cooked food goes bad. How do we remedy this? Prewar food isn't the healthiest food because it's slightly irradiated, but it does the job. You can find it easily, too. But if someone's needing a quick bite and they're literally dying of hunger, they'll surely be willing to grab a snack at your camp. A box of Sugar Bombs for 2 caps isn't a bad deal, after all.


Gunpowder (1)

Common Plans (15)
Rare Plans (90)
Common Recipes (10)
Rare Recipes (50)

Common Mods (20)
Power Armor Mods (60)


Notes (plans and recipes) and mods should go in the same vending machine if you can help it. Why? Because these are the only items that you use to make other items better. Plans make your camp better, recipes make your food better, mods make your weapons and armor better; it'd make sense to sell all of these together, making it nice and neat for your shoppers. Remember, you only get up to four vending machines. Sort and sell wisely. As for the prices, you don't have to go exactly by mine. They're a personal preference after all. However, I would suggest that you keep your prices seperated by how common and how rare these items are. No one is going to pay over a hundred caps for Plans: Metal Tables if they know any better. The most they should go for would be about 25-30. Now, if we're talking about Plans: Artillery, then sell that shit for a whopping 400 caps or more. Those are some hard to find plans.


(Bulk Only)
Acid (40)
Adhesive (40)
Aluminum (30)
Bone Shards (10)
Ceramic (10)
Cloth (10)
Concrete (10)
Copper (20)
Cork (20)
Fertilizer (10)
Gears (30)
Glass (10)
Lead (40)
Leather (10)
Oil (30)
Plastic (30)
Rubber (20)
Spring (30)
Steel (20)
Wood (10)
Ballistic Fiber (10)
Black Titanium (15)
Circuits (10)
Crystal Shards (5)
Fiber Optics (10)
Fiberglass (5)
Gold (10)
Screws (10)
Nuclear Waste (15)
Raw Asbestos (5)
Silver (10)
Ultracite (15)
Waste Antiseptic (5)


Only sell in bulk when it's possible, so keep a LOT of plastic handy. Acid, adhesive, aluminum, gears, and lead are the 5 most used and most sought after Junk in the wasteland. Make sure you keep enough for yourself and your own needs before you sell your bulk!


Ballistic (.308, .38, .44, .45) (1)
Blackpowder (2)
Fusion cells (1)
Plasma cells (2)
2mm electromagnetic cartridges (5)
Missiles (5)
Mini Nukes (10)

Note that if you sell legendary items, those are all up for debate and there's really no set prices that I could give you. Personally, I take my chances with scrips only. I don't think that regular weapons are worth selling since you can get them anywhere, but legendary weapons would be worth it, depending on the amount of caps. Some people sell them for the number of scrips they're worth, so that's an option, or you can simply let the game decide on the suggested price for you. Again, keep in mind, that you only have 4 vending machines to work with. If you're looking to be a "professional" trader build, you have to sell what you know will sell and keep the prices competitive!

Also, all of my prices are based on a price range that is easy for me to follow, and I get a pretty good amount of sales. Just remember not to overprice or underprice. Go by the other shops that you've seen around the wasteland and stick to a good medium. My price list is just here to guide you to your own ideas, but if you'd like to use these prices, too, then go ahead!

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