All About Workshop Resources

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Workshops require only two things for you to claim them; the first thing is to clear the area of all hostiles, and the other is to pay a small fee of caps once the enemies are cleared out.

Keep in mind that workshops are a gateway to PvP. When you take over a workshop, you will possibly have to defend it from another player. When a player walks up to the workshop's bench, all the player has to do is interact with it and they will have the option to take over the workshop. At that point, they will turn hostile and appear on your HUD as an enemy (a red dot). If, however, you're not around your workshop when they try to take it and you don't have sufficient defenses facing the workshop's bench, the player will remain unopposed and will automatically take over your workshop after a short amount of time.

Workshops are a wonderful source of junk, though. It saves you a lot of time and caps so you don't have to move your camp around the map to set up extractors in random spots. Though they can be tough to defend, they're well worth the effort. Not only do you get a lot of junk and other materials, but you also get plenty of XP and plans as rewards for defending your workshops from enemy spawns.

Like your camp, your workshop or a workshop claimed by someone on your team is free to fast travel to. You can also lock your extractors so that only you and your teammates can access the junk you'll be collecting. Locked extractors, however, may be more of a reason for other players to initiate PvP with you, so bear that in mind.

There are currently 22 workshops that can be claimed in post-apocalyptic Appalachia. They are, in alphabetical order:

Abandoned Bog Town | Cranberry Bog | acid, concrete, gold, oil, silver
Beckley Mine | Ash Heap | crystal, gold, oil
Berkeley Springs West | The Mire | aluminum, crystal, lead
Billings Homestead | The Forest | copper, crystal, fertilizer, gold
Charleston Landfill | The Forest | aluminum, ash, copper, junk, steel
Converted Munitions Factory | Savage Divide | aluminum, ammo, junk, lead, oil, silver
Dabney Homestead | The Mire | concrete, copper, fertilizer, junk, wood
Dolly Sods | The Mire | none
Federal Disposal Field HZ-21 | Savage Divide | acid, oil, nuclear material
Gorge Junkyard | The Forest | concrete, junk, titanium, wood
Grafton Steel Yard | Toxic Valley | copper, lead, oil, steel
Hemlock Holes Maintenance | Toxic Valley | acid, crystal, gold
Lakeside Cabins | The Forest | crystal, lead, silver, wood
Monongah Power Plant Yard | Savage Divide | fusion cores
Mount Blair | Ash Heap | ore
Poseidon Energy Plant Yard | The Forest | aluminum, concrete, fusion cores, lead, nuclear material
Red Rocket Mega Stop | The Mire | aluminum, nuclear material, steel
Sunshine Meadows Industrial Farm | The Forest | aluminum, concrete, fertilizer, packaged food, steel
Spruce Knob | Savage Divide | acid, copper, gold
Thunder Mountain Power Plant Yard | The Mire | crystal, fusion cores, nuclear material, steel, wood
Tyler County Dirt Track | The Forest | aluminum, fertilizer, junk, silver, steel
Wade Airport | The Forest | copper, oil, silver

There are a few important notes here. There are three power plants in total, but Monongah is the only one that produces only fusion cores and is less likely to be fought over because of this. Abandoned Bog Town is the only workshop in the Cranberry Bog and sometimes have Scorchbeast spawns. Sunshine Meadows Industrial Farm is the only workshop that produces packaged food. Dolly Sods produces nothing whatsoever, so it's kind of pointless to take over. 

The most productive workshops, in my experience, is the Gorge Junkyard (three sites to collect junk), the Red Rocket Mega Stop (a wide range of deposits and lots of "scrappable" items inside the building), and Abandoned Bog Town (a huge range of deposits). I have also used Hemlock Holes for acid farming and the Grafton Steel Yard for excessive steel.

For my particular build, the rest of these workshops are rendered a waste of time.

I did not list anything for food or water for these workshops because it's one of those things that doesn't matter too much. Here's a thread where people discuss what it means, but I'm still not entirely sure.


Remember to check your workshops frequently and collect your junk from the extractors and store it in a stash box ASAP. The workshop is only yours as long as you're on that server. If the server is slow and having complications, it can kick you and the other players at any given time.


There are two things that you will need at your workshop besides your extractors. These things are a chemistry workstation and a stash box. I usually put these right next to the workshop bench. The stash box is self-explanatory. The chemistry workstation is for smelting ore as quickly as you can to store the scrap in your stash box. Ore weighs a lot more than its broken-down components!


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