Chapter 3

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The people of Eguoma and other communities gathered in from of the shrine of the chief priest. Twenty men stood ahead of the crowd. They were the ones who volunteered to embark on the journey. The elders were not far behind. Behind them was the rest of the crowd.

There were different animal skulls hung around the compound. The shrine was a tent made of red cloth and thatch. There were big, sturdy old trees around because the shrine was in a forest. The people held torches of flame and awaited the chief priest.

The chief priest came out, wearing his usual animal skin overall with white chalk patterns around his left eye and on the rest of his body. His staff made the chinking sound as he walked towards them, backwards.

"Are these all the wisest and bravest and strongest of men in all the communities?" he yelled in disappointment.

Referring to the chosen men he asked, "Did you come on your own accord?"

"They did wise one!" the elders replied.

"They are men!" the chief priest snapped, "Let them speak for themselves!"

He examined them as he walked around them.

"Are you ready for this journey?" he asked.

"If you cannot do this, if you do not think you are prepared for this, now is the time to step aside."

He watched to see if anyone would step aside. He had a faint grin as no one stepped aside. He signaled his servant to bring a calabash to him. When he held it, he uttered incantations. His eyes turned white and the chalk on his body began to glow. The people around were filled with awe. Smoke began to gush out of the calabash. He walked up to each of the chosen men and he ordered them to dip their hands into the calabash and bring out whatever they laid their hands on. Once all the men had done so, he gave the calabash back to his servant who went to return it. His eyes and the chalk patterns on his body stopped glowing.

"In your hands are stones", he said to the chosen men, "Whoever picked a black stone has picked nothing but a worthless rock. Whoever picked a white stone, however, has been chosen... If you picked the white stone, step forward with it. If you picked the black stone, go home for the gods have destined you for something else."

People murmured and gasped in shock as most of the men they thought would be picked walked away. Great warriors and wrestlers came back to join the audience. In the end, only five were chosen.

"The gods humor me with their ways", the chief priest said. "They summoned many, but they chose a few!"

Then he addressed the crowd saying; "People of all communities, here are your heroes. They have been chosen by the gods to embark on this journey. Bid your farewells now and pray for them, for you might never see them again. From now until the end of their journey, they belong to the gods. They shall be with me as I prepare them for their mission."

Looking at the five chosen ones he said; "When you are done saying your farewells, meet me behind the shrine."

He then walked away. Friends, family members and well-wishers gathered around the five to bid farewell. There wasn't a dry eye as they exchanged embraces. The atmosphere was melancholic and it was hard for the crowd to disperse. But gradually, after a couple of hours, only the five were left.

The five went behind the shrine to meet the chief priest. They were Ehiedu and Okoh the hunters, Biose and Orewa the warriors and Ibe the flutist.

"Now that the others are gone I can tell you what is going on", the chief priest said.

"You see, the gods have to appear invincible, otherwise they will not command respect... but be warned! What I am about to tell you... this entire mission must remain between us. No other ear must hear of this! The mouth that speaks of it shall be struck by lightning and his generation shall know no peace."

The five appeared perplexed, wandering where the chief priest's speech was heading to.

"Ufele, the great god of weather has been poisoned", he continued.

"That is the reason behind the disasters that have befallen the world. Agha, the god of war has been abducted. The god of fire has him in the forbidden land. There, the gods have no power. The god of fire and curiosity has recruited the evil spirits. He now rules the evil forest and the forbidden land. Various attempts have been made to rescue Agha to no avail."

"Wise one", Biose asked. "How can we succeed where the gods and spirits have failed?"

"Yes!" Ehiedu concurred. "How can we journey where even the gods fear to tread?"

"The gods created the evil spirits!" Orewa said. "Can they not also destroy them?"

"Why don't the gods of Paradise raise an army and wage war against Oku and the evil spirits?" Ehiedu added.

"Surely they would defeat them."

"Do not question the wisdom of the gods!" the chief priest rebuked.

"Your mission is to rescue the god of war! You should be honored that you have been chosen. The gods must have seen something in you, something special. Don't concern yourself with fruitless thoughts."

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