Chapter 7

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Okoh and Ibe argued as the men wandered through the strange land.

"I am telling you we are in the forbidden land", Okoh said.

"Look around you. This is not normal; no sun, everything is grey from the earth beneath us to the skies above. Even you look grey."

"Okoh!" Ibe said.

"We are in the evil forest. Everything is strange here. Besides, if we are in the forbidden land how come we cannot see anyone? The gods of war and Oku are supposed to be here. Nothing is in sight."

"I am telling you that we are in the forbidden land", Okoh insisted.

"We just haven't reached where Oku and Agha are yet. That's all ...or Orewa, what do you think?"

"You people talk too much", he replied listlessly.

Suddenly, some spirits came out of nowhere and surrounded them before they could make a move. Some of the spirits beat on local drums and some screamed as they drew nearer.

"Stop!" someone yelled, someone who obviously commanded their respect.

It was Oku. They stopped immediately as Oku walked up to the men who were utterly terrified. He had a certain indescribable aura that made him stand out. They immediately knew he was the god of fire even though he did not have his powers in the cradle. They knew who he was before he even introduced himself.

"Don't kill these humans. Humans are special..." he said.

He turned towards a spirit and asked, "Do the gods value your worship?"

To another he asked, "How about you?"

To yet another, he asked; "You?"

"Do you even worship?"

The spirits were silent. Pointing at the humans, he said "The humans worship us and it has a high value to us. That means that they are special. So don't kill them now. That would mean less worship for the gods."

He turned to the humans.

"Welcome to the cradle of the gods", he said to them. "...Or as you call it; the forbidden land."

Okoh and Ibe looked at each other. Okoh had a faint grin briefly. If it was any consolation, he was right.

Oku seemed ecstatic as he gave the men a tour of the cradle. They were taken to a settlement with thatch huts all around. The huts were arranged in such a way that there was an arena at the centre of the settlement. Oku and the spirits dwelt in the settlement. Then the men were taken to a lake not far from the settlement.

"Did you know that the gods were born here?" he said, referring to the lake.

"Out of the waters of this lake we came. How boring the times were! We would lie idle, frolicking in the sand. There was nothing, not even these huts. We just wasted away here until the outside world was discovered. I discovered the outside world."

Oku's eyes shone as he narrated his tales. The men just stared in awe. They could not believe what was happening. They were standing face to face with a god!

"The forest was designed to keep humans and other creatures away from the cradle", Oku said.

"But yet, here we are. There must be a flaw in the system. Anyway, that is by the way. You see, I like smart people. That you made it thus far qualifies you as such in my opinion. I want you to work for me. Be my chief priests, my heralds among men. Spread the word of the "god of fire" as the king of the gods, the one to worship. Pledge your allegiance to me and I will give you anything you desire. Think about it. You would not be like the other priests who appear wretched and haggard. My priests will be kings."

"That is a generous offer", Orewa said, breaking the silence as the men considered Oku's proposal.

"It is mouthwatering to say the least. But it is also a sign of desperation. You have a great desire to be worshipped. You want to take advantage of our popularity, should we return home, to spread your propaganda. We respectfully decline. I think we are fine with the current order of things."

Oku was shocked. Okoh and Ibe were also shocked.

"Then why are you here?" Oku asked.

"We are here for Agha, the god of war." Orewa replied. His comrades were amazed at his guts but they stuck with him.

Oku was enraged, but he was able to keep calm. Disgust was written all over him.

"I knew you were sent by Oma and the others", he said.

"They sent humans to do what several spirits had failed to do. I just thought I could persuade you to see otherwise. But you are just as ignorant and foolish as the gods who sent you."

The spirits bound the men.

"I have the good mind of killing you right here", Oku said.

"Instead, against my better judgment, I might let you go to deliver a message to the gods who sent you. Tell them their time is up. A new era is nigh, my era! And I will obliterate them from history...! But first you must defeat my champion. Only then will I let you leave unscathed."

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