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And so it was that the triumvirate was broken. Ufele and Oma regained control of Paradise. They banished Agha to the cradle and as his punishment, Oku was tasked to be his warden making sure that Agha never left the cradle. But this meant that he would also not be able to leave the cradle.

Ufele and Oma decided to share power with the other gods. Leadership of Paradise was now to be rotated amongst all gods.

The gods of Paradise invoked the "Will of the gods", stating that mankind would lose every memory of all that had transpired. Mankind would never remember that Oku and Agha attempted to usurp power over Paradise. People would not have the slightest inkling that Agha had attempted to kill the gods, or that some chosen men had journeyed to the Forbidden land. All of that was now a lost memory, forever banished from the realms of men.

But the gods did not stop there. They willed that some ideas be engraved in the very fabric of human nature. Mankind was now to have an innate fear and disdain for war and the god of war. Mankind was also to be apprehensive of excessive curiosity.

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