Chapter 9

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Oku gave them a few days to recover, and then he set them free.

"I have no use for Agha", he told them. "You can take him along. But remember what you encountered here. Relay my message to your gods. I will be back in paradise, and I will do worse things to them than I did to Agha."

The men were as surprised as they were weak. They could barely stand let alone walk. On Oku's instruction, they were led out of the forbidden land together with Agha.

A banquet was held days after Agha returned. Ufele had just recovered and things were looking up. Good times were back in paradise and the triumvirate was still in control. There were many reasons to celebrate. The gods sat around the banquet table in the hallowed hall, waited on by the spirits. They ate and drank and made merry. The hall was filled with laughter and good talk. Everyone was so engrossed in the celebration; they did not pay much attention to the fact that Agha himself was melancholic.

"You have been awfully quiet since you got back", Ufele said.

"Indeed you have", concurred another god.

"No tales today Agha?" Ufele asked.

Agha shook his head.

"There is no pride in defeat", he replied. "I'd rather not think of anything relating to battle now."

Ufele fell silent. He knew Agha was right.

"I didn't know you changed your necklace", Oma commented.

"This has been on him since he got back", a god said.

"Good to see he finally changed it", Oma said. "The other one was so menacing."

"I agree", a goddess replied, "This is more regal."

"How were you able to change it in the forest?" Oma asked. "What happened to the other one?"

"That is a story for another day", Agha replied.

"Something still bothers me though", Oma said. "Why did Oku suddenly choose to set you free? I mean, he had you right where he wanted and all attempts to rescue you were futile."

"I ask myself the same question", Agha replied.

"He must have been tired", Ufele said. "He probably felt he could not sustain his "hostage plan". Perhaps he feared that we might wage war against him if he held on for too long."

"I am glad Agha is back though", Oma said.

Ufele got up and raised his cup, calling everyone's attention to him.

"I would like to propose a toast!" Ufele said.

"These past few weeks have been terrible. Unthinkable mayhem befell paradise... we have seen our darkest days. But we have prevailed. Paradise still stands and we are still together! Here's to rising above evil!"

"To rising above evil!" they replied.

The gods raised their cups to toast. The cheers were cut short by an unexpected interruption. They all gasped in horror as Oku walked in.

"Did anyone save a glass for me?" Oku said much to the chagrin of the others.

"You have some nerve showing up here!" Ufele yelled.

"Be nice brother", Oku replied calmly.

"What do you want?" Oma asked.

"What do I want?" Oku asked cynically. " take my rightful place as ruler of Paradise."

Just then, evil spirits trooped in and over powered the guards, surrounding the gods who just sat there watching. The evil spirits swarmed the place, leaving the gods and their guards perplexed.

"You must be wondering how the evil spirits were able to enter paradise..." Oku said. "Remember the lake at the heart of the cradle, the one we crawled out from? Whilst you were making merry I had my cohort lace your food and drink with water from the lake. For the time being, you are powerless. You all know that the only thing keeping the evil spirits away from Paradise is the 'will of the gods' – a referendum among us gods concerning any issue. But now that you are mortal, only my vote and the votes of my ally count, and we 'will' that the 'evil' spirits enter Paradise."

The gods watched in horror as Agha got up and stood by Oku's side.

"Why am I not surprised?" Oma asked.

"Agha is definitely under some spell", Ufele said.

Facing Oku, Oma asked; "What did you do to Agha?"

"What do I do with them?" Agha asked Oku.

"Oh I have something spectacular lined up", Oku said. "Bind them."

He ordered the evil spirits to bind the other gods and their guards as well.

"This is not you Agha", Oma said, trying to appeal to his conscience as he bound her. "You can overcome whatever hold Oku has on you."

Oku brought out a satchel filled with sand. He took sand from the satchel and sprinkled the sand on the ground forming a circle with it. While he did so, he uttered some incantations. The circle burst into flames and transformed into a portal leading to where the humans dwelt. Oku smiled as he looked through it.

"You must be aware that at this moment, people from different communities have gathered to give offerings to us. Apparently, things are getting back to normal for the humans. Ufele has put the weather back in order and all that. They have come to give thanks. Imagine the spectacle when they behold their beloved Ufele and Oma murdered by the great Agha. That would be devastating."

"Even if we are dead, how would you get the people to worship you?" Oma asked.

"Believe me", Oku said; "When I am done the people would adore me."

Oku ordered Agha to toss Ufele and Oma through the portal. They tried hard to resist Agha but they were no match for him as he seamlessly dragged them towards the portal.

"Agha you can fight this", Oma said.

"You won't get away with this", Ufele said to Oku.

Their efforts to resist were futile as Agha threw them through the portal to the land of men. He gazed at Oku for further instructions before jumping through the portal.

"You know what to do", Oku said. "Make it astounding."

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