Chapter 3 - Welcome to Riverdale

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"I'll meet you at the Whyte Wyrm after school,"

"The Whyte Wyrm? Why?"

"What do you mean, why?" Toni crossed her arms as she shifted the weight of her motorcycle to one side. "You left a lot of people that cared about you behind. And we have plenty of questions."

Once again, Nessiah didn't get the chance to respond as the girls motorcycle tires screeched and she was out of the parking lot faster than she could say 'wait'.

She groaned as she walked into the school, pulling the serpent jacket off of her shoulders and revealing the black midi dress she had underneath. Hopefully they were more lenient with the dress code now.

"Umm. Excuse me?"

Nessiah felt a tap on her shoulder, worrying that she was wrong as she turned around to see a girl about her height with a high blonde ponytail that was no doubt iconic.

"Are you new here?" she said. "I saw you looking at that schedule pretty hard and I'm looking for the student I'm supposed to give a tour to."

"Yes, actually," the two of let out a sigh of relief simultaneously before Nessiah offers the girl her hand and she takes it. "Nessiah Carmen. And your name?"

"Elizabeth Cooper. My friends call me Betty."

"That's a pretty name."

She manages to mumble out a small "Thank you," as her cheeks visibly tint red. "Well, we better get going if we don't want you to be late for your first class." She begins to walk through the halls motioning for new student to follow her.

Complying, Nessiah makes her way to the girls side. They wander through the school, Betty dropping small facts about the school into the conversation every ten minutes. She didn't mind in the least though. She loved learning new things, especially from someone so pretty.

"So where exactly did you come from? and where are your parents? We haven't had new residents in Riverdale for quite some time."

"Well I actually moved my freshman year from here and took a break from school. As for my parents that's actually kind of... personal."

"Oh." she seemed flustered, realizing that she had overstepped the boundaries of a new friend.

"I'm sorry."

"No, it's fine really. I shouldn't have asked, we just met each other."

"I don't mind, honestly. Maybe after we get acquainted we can talk more about it."

The sparkle in her eye seems to recoup as she nods her head, continuing her tour.

"Betty Cooper. And aren't you gonna introduce moi to your new friend?

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