Chapter 8- Riverdales Most Eligible

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She had contemplated not showing up the next day, but she'd know that the girl would just track her down regardless. So here she sat at the table of the River Vixens, crowded by teenage girls of every age. If it weren't for the situation she was in this would've been a dream.

"I don't wanna assume so, what's your preference?"

"Depends on what you mean by preference." Anessiah leaned in, throwing Midge a questioning look.

"Well, do you like guys or..." Anessiah sat up straight and watched as Midge threw up two peace signs and began to mash them together. For a minute she tried to keep a straight face but eventually burst out laughing at the shorter girl.

"What... was that?" Her face was still red as she asked the small girl.

"It's.. you know," seeing the girl respond unamusedly Midge decides to be as vivid as possible. "Scissoring," she whispered.

Nessiah and Kevin share a look of utter as they simultaneously shudder.

"Scissoring isn't a thing!" Nessiah proclaims, this was an issue that was very close to her heart.

"How do you even.." she makes a motion and attempts to lift her leg higher up than her shoulder but to no avail. "Just no."

The table of cheerleaders share a confused look as they mutter to themselves, all but Cheryl who was suspiciously sat at the end of the table, quiet on the subject as she thought to herself.

Nobody at the table noticed, except for Nessiah. She'd been there for days but still recognized that this was out of character for the girl. That's probably why when the red head got up she excused herself and followed.

"You have five minutes tops, hurry back," She heard Midge call after her. Though she'd ignored every word of hers.

When she'd arrived at the stalls that she'd seen Cheryl run to, she heard a faint sniffle on the other side.

"Cheryl? Are you okay?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2019 ⏰

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