Chapter 4 - Join Us

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"So, how are you enjoying our school so far?" Cheryl asked Nessiah. It was lunchtime now and just the two of them remained, Betty had left for her friends as soon as the lunch bell rung, leaving her with the fiery red head that she had just met. "I trust Elizabeth has been more than welcoming to you?"

"I'm enjoying it here so far. And Betty has been a godsend."

"Glad to hear it." she gave an exaggerated smile to the new girl. It was more than obvious to Nessiah that the Blossom didn't like Betty, so she changed the subject.

"So you're a senior then? How's that working out for you?"

"As my 4.0 gpa would attest, it's going fine so far," Cheryl suddenly beamed. "Though, I'm sure you're doing just as well?"

The two were still in deep conversation when someone sat down next to them. Then another. Then another. By the time the conversation had finished, Nessiah was surrounded by cheerleaders chatting amongst themselves. A dream come true honestly.

"Cheryl, who's this?" A girl asked. She had a pixie cut and wore a blue and yellow cheerleading outfit.

Cheryl hadn't actually been told her name, they were too lost in conversation for her to bring it up, though she felt guilty for not knowing it either way. So she motioned for Nessiah to introduced herself to the girl.

"Nessiah. Nessiah Carmen." She interjected, shaking the girls hand.

"Wow. People still shake hands?" Midge joked, earning a chuckle from Nessiah and Cheryl.

"Just a habit, I guess."

"And are you trying out for the River Vixens?" Midge asked, still holding onto the girls soft and small hands.

"Well actually I—"

"You must. I can even help you with your routine if you'd like."

Nessiah was sick and tired of being interrupted today. "Actually, I'm really not that flexible. Besides there are already some things I have to
do after school so I just would have the time to commit to it."

"Well if you change your mind you know who to come to." Midge said, handing the girl a small piece of paper with something scribbled on it.

Nessiah nodded in acknowledgment as she took the small piece of paper gave the girl a "thanks".

Before long the bell had rung and the students had said their good byes, scattering out of the lunch room. Nessiah headed to the parking lot and started on her way to the Whyte Wyrm. Dreading every mile.

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