Chapter 6 - Cover, blown.

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"You couldn't have done anything that bad."

"It was bad enough to get me kicked out of town wasn't it?"

"Well, you're a new person. Things are different now." Toni replies. "Besides, I'm sure the Serpents will have your back. You're one of us, we can talk to FP and he'll—."

"Who do you think kicked me out?" Nessiah interrupted sourly. She had no ill will towards the man but she couldn't help but be just a little spiteful towards him after kicking her out her home.

The group lets out a groan of frustration at the information. They heard her out and now their was no way their long lost friend was going away again.

"There's no point in trying. He's the King, or did you all forget?" Nessiah put her head down in the bar in discontent.

Toni put her hand on the girls arm as an attempt to cheer her up. "Hey, we'll figure something out. I promise."

Nessiah nodded giving the girl a faint smile as they brainstormed ideas on how to get the girl to stay.

They sat there for hours, but in the end they came up with scratch.

"Shit. Why is this so hard?" Fangs whined. "Maybe we can just talk to FP?"

"No. We can't risk it."

"How about we just hide her until we graduate?"

For three years Sweet pea? And then what?"

"Okay! I was just tryna help. What did you come up with Topaz!?"

"Continue going to school on the Northside maybe? We'll come up with something so you can get a place to stay over there, then we'll come up with a plan so that FP will have to let you stay?" she said. "Okay, it's not the best plan but it's the only one we've got."

"I'll take anything at this point." Nessiah shrugged, downing a shot.

"Well then it's settled." Toni said. "It's getting late let's reconvene tomorrow?" she grabbed her keys and motioned for the other girl to follow.

The four of them went their ways, Nessiah and Toni back to her apartment and Fangs and Sweet pea each back to their own. Nessiah couldn't help but feel wrong as she left the building, maybe she was just paranoid but there's no way someone could've recognized her after all these years. She shrugged it off as she made her way to Toni's trailer.

"Hello, FP. Yeah. She's back."

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