Getting Together Pt 2 (fluff)

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Kirishima POV

After Bakugou confessed I could never look him in the eyes not even for one second. I tryed talking to him but everytime I did I fumbled my words and caught my tongue, so I did the worst thing possible and avoided him. I don't know why I feel so nervous around him so I call over the first gay couple to come out, Todoroki and Midoriya.

"So basically I just can't talk or even see him without getting flustered" I say sitting in an empty classroom with Todoroki with Midoriya sitting in his lap. They both look at eachother then at me. Todoroki started to speak "how would you feel if Izuku was sitting on your lap like this?" Midoriya hit him and pouted crossing his arms. "I don't know I guess I would be fine" I say confused. Todoroki nods with a 'that's good' look. "Now think about if Bakugou was sitting in your lap, how would you feel" Todoroki says, I immediately start burning up "I mean I'd feel nervous probably happy" I say looking down.

Midoriya gets out of Todoroki's lap and walks over to me, he puts his hand on my shoulder I starts to speak "You my friend are in love" I jump half out of my seat. Love! LOVE!!! I'm in love with my bestfriend. "What do I do" I say worried, "tell him how you feel" Todoroki said with a thumbs up. I get up and run off to the dorms.

Bakugou POV

When me and Kirishima went to school in the morning he couldn't look at me he kept his eyes on the ground the whole time walking to class. When we got to class he quickly ran off again he hadn't said on word to me all day. I'm starting to think that he heard me when I confessed.

After all our classes, I was walking out of class and saw Deku, Todoroki, Kirishima walk into a empty classroom, I was mad at first then blew it off, if he didn't want to talk to me I didn't want to talk to him. I stomped into my room and threw myself on the bed. Why was I so sad he is just a silly boy it's not like I'm in love with him... "I'm in Love!" I shout then slam my hand on my mouth, I need to get my mind off this.

I get up and go to the kitchen because I was hungry. I get out some ramen I bought the other day and walk down the stairs Uraraka stops me and says "Deku texted me and said to watch out" I shrug her off and make my ramon.

I grab a glass and fill it tea while waiting on my ramon. When suddenly Kirishima bursts in and starts walking towards me. He looked kinda scary but the sexy type of scary. He ran up to me grabbing the cup out of my hands and setting it down on the counter. He grabbed my hands, looking me in the eyes I could see tears in them.

"Kirishima ate you ok, you look sad?" I say worried for him. "I'm not sad I'm happy, I'm happy that I've found someone as great as you to share my hopes and dreams, and I'm also happy that I have fallen in love with you and I would really love it if you would execpt my feelings and go out with me" he said as he started to cry with his eyes filled with hope that I would execpt.

I stood there with a blank look on my face which quickly turned to a maroon red as I turned away, he was the only one who could make me feel this way, "Um... Kirishima I would.... um... do you mean it?" I said with hopeful look in my eyes. "Of course I mean it I LOVE you!" Kirishima erupts getting closer " I do too... I mean I would.... I mean.... I love you too and I would love to go out with you" I say straightening up my back and regaining my confidence. He pulled me into a hug only to pull away and kiss me.

It was as I imagined soft, loving, and leg buckling, he pulled away with a smile. "So 'baabe' what do you want to do" he said with a wink. I couldn't contain my excitement "
I don't know anything with you in it" I say with a sly smile. "That can be arranged" he says grabbing my hand pulling me up to his room. "So what are you planning to do" I say with a smile, he says nothing and keeps walking. "I'm going to do something that will both enjoy" he said looking back at me while holding the door open. I walk in and sit on the bed. He walks in and locks the door, I raise an eyebrow at this I thought we would just play video games or something but looks like he had other plans.

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