20. How's life?

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Hello everyone, how are you all? So far, I have been through a few months of being in 7th grade and it has been really exhausting. You never truly understand the word "stress" until you go through your years of highschool. What people said wasn't a joke. Everyday there was new quizzes to study about, new concepts to learn and several piles of homework.

And the worst thing was that my health seemed to be declining. Eating was the least of my worries, being happy was the least of my concern. It seemed like if you wanted to earn the highest ranks in highschool, you had to sell your own being to the devil. You had to sacrifice the loud growl in your stomach just to finish a few more unfinished tasks. Highschool isn't fun, but its quite manageable when you make frequent mistakes.

I also just realized that this lingering sadness won't ever disappear. It has been a part of my life ever since and I don't think it will never be not. I have learned to deal with it and to cherish it for giving me a strong shield and unwavering determination to succeed.

Whenever you're feeling blue, find a hobby that you could use to cope with it. There's playing some instruments, reading books, listening to music or just talking to your friends. As long as there is life, there will always be hope.
Never give up because many people will always be rooting for you.

When I was down to my knees, at the lowest point in my life it seemed like I had no hope anymore. But one day, my mother faced me with a smile and told me, "I still have faith in you, if you truly want it, you'll make a way to achieve it." She believed in me. And one simple word was able to lift me up.

I grabbed my books and studied for a few long hours. Haha. Anyways, too much ranting. But stay hopeful guys, it isn't the end for you.

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