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Kokichi POV
It was around 12:30 and I was in my room trying to find the mastermind. I drew a few doodles of inventions I wanted Miu to make. I was SUPER suprised that Rantaro beat my score of 100. I was starting to think that he should join my organization. I need to think of a mask design. I started drawing some designs before I heard a knock on my door. When I opened it I saw Kirumi. I looked at the clock and it was 3 minutes past I was supposed to get to the dining hall for lunch.
" Kokichi. It's time for lunch."
We walked to the dining hall together even though she was way ahead of me. By the time I was half way there she was out of sight. I opened the door and everyone was still eating. Kirumi already had some food on the table for me. It was another thing that I had to cut. It was even harder to cut because it was chicken and it was so thick. I had to go ask Kirumi for a bigger knife.
" hmhm. Ok Kokichi."
I got a slightly bigger knife and attempted to cut the chicken. Rantaro came over and tried to help me, again. I struggled because I wanted him to think I didn't need any help. He got the knife though I accidentally cut him.
" ow."
" I-I told you I don't need help!"
A few people laughed including Rantaro. He cut my food so that I could eat it. I made a puffy face and Rantaro sat back in his seat. I ate the pieces and drank some Panta. I just got up to leave when Kaede walked up to me. She pulled me outside and made it so no one could hear anything we said.
" Ow! What was that for!?"
She let go of my arm.
" Stay. Away. From. Rantaro."
A shiver went up my spine. Stay away from him? How can I do that? He always comes to me. Not like I care though.
I jumped.
" O-Okay."
She walked back into the dining hall. I walked back to my dorm thinking about what Kaede said. It was gonna be hard avoiding him. I flopped down on my bed and took a nap.
" Kokichi~. Kokichi."
I opened my eyes a bit still half asleep and rubbed my eyes.
" Huh, Rantaro?"
WAIT- RANTARO!? I sprung up and my eyes opened fully and Rantaro was standing over me.
" What are you doing here!!??"
he laughed.
" you left your door wide open. It wasn't like you so I came to check. When I came in you were asleep."
So he stays here and wakes me!?
" Why did you want to check on me. I know you're lying when you said said you were worried."
" Heh. You caught me. I just wanted to see you."
Why'd he want to see me!? Of all people he chose to talk to me!? How long did he see me sleeping.
" how long have you been here?"
" about 10 minutes. You didn't wake up so I woke you."
I blushed a bit.
" you were here that long? Geez, you must really like meeee~"
I teased but he didn't see it as that.
" No I don't. But I saw that effigy of me in your closet."
( ok, so everyone is alive but all the evidence and Kokichi's messy room is still there)
" I just collected it. Ryoma still has a ways to go for me to collect his effigy. Collecting moms is just weird. And Kaede's effigy would look weird hanging somewhere in the theme of my room. Yours had a good color scheme, and your the most normal."
" So you think my color scheme is good."
He smiled and laughed. I held back a blush.
" I said it went well with the color theme."
I made a puffy face at him. Even though the effigy looked SUPER bright in my room. I saw Rantaro looking at a desk and picked up some papers. I didn't care cause they were just random things I could force Miu to make. He looked at me with a paper in his hand. What one is that one?
" What's this?"
I looked at the paper and saw my doodle for an invention that cuts off your ahoge. I made it so I could mess with Kee-boy.
" It's nothing. Just a random doodle for an invention Miu can make."
" It's kinda a cute design. The blade looks like a tiny ahoge."
He smiled again and set down the paper.
" It's not."
" It is."
" No."
" yes."
We kept saying no and yes back to each other and we ran out of breath. It was 3:00 pm. Rantaro walked to the door.
" I got to go. See you at dinner."
We waved at each other. I smiled and said bey back.
" Bye Amami-Chan."
He closed the door behind him and I heard his footsteps go down the stairs.

( Ok, warning. The mext chapter gets pretty...weird...So yeah. It's gonna be crappy but I'll try. :3 )

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