Day 2: Morning

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Kokichi POV
I woke up in my room. How'd I get in here? Last thing I remember I was crying in Rantaro's arms. When I realized what I did I blushed. I got into new clothes and walked out the door. I got to breakfast in time and Angie and Tenko were fighting.
" Well at least Himiko doesn't yell at me for being weird!"
" Well at least I don't blame ' Atua' for every mistake I make!"
Angie walked up to Tenko when Himiko went in front of her. I ignored this fight and started eating. It wasn't like me but I didn't want to hurt a girls feelings. They're way to sensitive and I don't feel like people hating me more. I went behind Shuichi and scared him. His yell was priceless! I started laughing a bunch. I sat down next to Rantaro still laughing trying to calm down. The fight stopped cause it got way to quiet and I didn't hear Himiko screaming. I spoke to Shuichi who was sitting across from me and sitting next to Kaede.
" So did I scare you Shuichi!?"
" ...Y-Yes...I-I mean no!"
Me and Kaede started laughing along with Rantaro a little who was reading a book. Shuichi turned red. His face was laughable. He was so fun to tease. But somehow, he became less of my favorite over time. Rantaro was becoming my favorite!! I could tell cause I don't just talk to someone about feelings without teasing them. Oh god! I totally cried in front of him last night! He probably thinks I'm not the supreme leader he knows! I heard a familiar voice.
That snapped me out of my thoughts. Kaede yelled my name.
" H-Huh?"
" We were trying to tell you that we're having a party outside near the Shrine of Judgement. Wanna come?"
" A party? Of coarse! When!"
" Uhhhhhh-"
She leaned over to Shuichi whispering something in his ear. He nodded as he opened his mouth to speak but got cut off.
" It's gonna be right after the night time announcements."
Rantaro looked over at Kaede as she said those words.
" What's happening then?"
" Oh! I almost forgot about you, Rantaro. Sorry. We're having a party after the night time announcements. Wanna come?"
I poked Rantaro's arm.
" Wanna Wanna!? Please please please!"
He sighed and nodded. He let out a defeated smile but it was still so cute. Wait- huh!?
" I'll come."
I finished my breakfast and Kirumi took the dishes from the table. Mostly everyone left. Kirumi was obviously there, Keebo, Rantaro, and the cum dumpster Miu! I walked out of the dining hall and to my dorm.

( DANG! This chapter was short! Only 444 words! The party chapter will be longer though. I hope. * Nagito shows up* " did someone say-"
OH HELL NO! * runs*)

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