Goat mom?

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Toriel arrived shortly after Frisk explained the situation on the phone.
"Oh my!" Toriel giggled, as she saw Sans hanging on Papyrus like a sloth. Papyrus smiled at her and greeted her  "HELLO MISS TORIEL" Papyrus greeted "why hello Papyrus, you were right, Sans does look younger" said Toriel "hellwooo" Sans greeted. Sans saw the human about to touch Papyrus "touch my brwother and I'll K I L L  Y O U" Sans stated, hugging his brother tightly. Everyone was shocked at the sudden fierceness " NOW, NOW SANS, THAT'S RUDE TO SAY THAT TO THE HUMAN!" Papyrus exclaimed, Sans only said "hph" and hugged him tighter. Papyrus sighed, ' he's really protective now I guess. '
Then Chara took control of Frisk's body, "hey Sans! Its me Chara!" Chara exclaimed shocking everyone. "Charaaaaa!!" Sans said teleporting to Chara "where were you?" Sans asked "that doesn't matter, oh and hi Mom!" Chara said acknowledging Toriel. "My c-child" Toriel said with tears in her eyes. Toriel went and scooped up Chara in a hug "mooom, it's okay, I'm fine!" Chara exclaimed.

(Well that's it I guess byeeeeeeeeeeeee)

Sans turns into a kidWhere stories live. Discover now