The next day...

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The next day, Papyrus woke up to his alarm clock (finally something normal) and went to go take a shower and get ready. When he was done, he went to go get Sans. "SANS! GET UP! WE HAVE TO MEET UNDYNE AND ALPHYS TODAY!" Papyrus exclaimed. "nuu..." said Sans, but Papyrus was having none of it, "SANS I SWEAR, IF YOU DON'T GET UP ILL..ILL....ILL DO SOMETHING!" Papyrus exclaimed. Well, Sans ended up getting dragged to Undyne's house. "Hey dorks!" Shouted Undyne when they got there, "HEY UNDYNE, ALPHYS" Papyrus exclaimed back.

They ended up drinking coffee, training, and having a sleepover

(I can do sleepover next chapter sorrryyy🙃)

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