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Percy watched as the food was served - a ham and cheese sandwich with a strange blue drink. But he liked the colour. He wolfed down his food. He didn't care if he looked rude - if he was going to be stuck with these people for the rest of his life, he might as well display his true colours now.
"The food's good." He said.
Alby looked at him. "What's your name?"
Percy looked uncomfortable. His gaze shifted nervously. "I-I don't know."
"Don't worry. You'll remember sooner or later."
He put his mind to work and tried to grip on to any memory he had, but they all felt incomplete. Like a he'd almost solved a jigsaw puzzle when a piece suddenly disappeared. It was frustrating. But his name came to him willingly. It was the only complete puzzle.
He looked at Alby. "I got it," he said. "My name."
"What is it?" Alby replied in anticipation.
"Um...," Percy suddenly felt nervous. "My name is Percy Jackson."
Ally's eyes widened. "You. Did. Not. Just. Say. Your. Surname."
Percy gave him a weird look. "Why - why won't I remember my own surname?"
They stared at each other for a while. Then Alby broke the silence. "Greenie, no one - I repeat, no one here in the Glade remembers their surname."
Percy blinked. "Why not?"
"Because," Alby paused. "We...we don't know. It's the creators."
"What creators?"
"Stop asking questions, you shank!"
Percy looked away and kept his mouth shut. He couldn't decide if he liked Alby or not. Then the sky started to turn dark. He looked up, a thousand questions clouding his mind. Then a scrawny boy approached him.
"Hi, Greenie."
Percy blinked. "Um, hi?"
The boy laughed. "I saw you talking to Alby. Thought I might as well come see you. My name's Thomas."
Thomas held out his hand and smiled. "What's your name?"
Percy debated whether or not to tell Thomas his second name. He decided not to.
"Percy." Percy said.
"Well, come on, Percy!" Thomas grabbed his hand. "You gotta see this."
They ran to a giant rectangular hole in the wall. "It's gonna close." Thomas said.
Percy's eyes widened. "You're not kidding, are you."
Thomas shook his head. "Nope."
The as if on cue, a loud boom shook the Glade. The gap narrowed. A boy ran in. "Just on time," Percy heard him of mutter. "One more minute and I'd have to spend the night with them buggin' grievers." The gap narrowed further as the right wall moved to meet the left. Percy gasped and stared wide eyed.
"The door - that - those guys - what the Hades is going on?" Percy said to no one in particular. Thomas glanced at him. "Meet Minho."
Percy could only stare as the boy, probably Chinese, took a seat and breathed heavily, shouting for a drink.
He felt like this was all a dream, like he could pinch himself hard and he would wake up to stormy grey eyes and flowing blonde curls...

The Last One Ever (PJO/Maze Runner cross fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now