Chapter One: Gilbert

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Its been a year since Bash got married. That was the day when Anne had told me the infamous words "Remains to be seen." I haven't stopped thinking about her ever since. In my studies of becoming a doctor, I haven't had the time to hang around with Anne much. That may be one of my biggest regrets.

"Hey, Gilbert." She says, jogging to catch up with me on my way home from the schoolhouse.
"Hey, Anne," I reply, nonchalant. Her braids beat against her back, causing a soft thud sound. I don't mind.
"What did you think of Miss Stacy's lecture today? I myself found it immensely electrifying. My eyes feel much more open, and I'm feeling much more courageous since I've realized I have been better off than he was, even when he was preparing for battle." Anne was talking about Alexander Hamilton, the topic of our lessons in school today. World History was our favorite class, and we tried to discuss it often, although it almost always fell through.
"I found it every bit as thrilling as you did, madame," I told Anne as I gently reached for her hand and twirled her around. She giggled, a pleasant sound. Like music to my ears. If I were to be told that I must live the rest of my life without that sound, I would not be able to cope. Our hands remained together for a split second more than I had intended, but it was splendid for me. I was caught off guard when Anne pulled her hand away, though. I cleared my throat and wiped my hands on my jacket, my intentions mysterious to even myself. We reach a fork in our path, and I realize it's time for us to go our separate ways. I bow dramatically, and Anne curtseys. We rise with dignity, and share a laugh before heading our separate ways. Only God knows how happy I am, and only he knows how Anne feels.

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