Chapter Six: Anne

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The water was dark and mysterious, although it looked so innocent from above. I kept going under, never reaching the bottom. My eyes started to close when I felt a body brush up against me. Two strong arms swept me up and I felt a pang of cold air. I inhaled deeply, and hugged the body, shivering. I could feel movement, and I opened my eyes just enough to see that we were making our way back to land. I held on tighter, it felt nice to be carried this way. When we got back to the beach, my rescuer laid me down on the sand and offered me his coat. I look up at him, lovingly. But to my surprise, it's Gilbert Blythe! Suddenly, everything comes rushing back to me and I feel sick.
"You alright, Anne?" He asks. I nod, but I can feel the grim expression on my face. "You nearly drowned."
"I forgot I can't swim," I croak, then cough as I try to laugh.
Gilbert smiles. "You inhaled lots of water. Try not to talk."
"Okay, Mr. good doctor. But I-" I'm  suddenly shushed by Gilbert putting his finger over my lips. I stop talking.
"Marilla, Mary, and Bash are probably wondering where we ran off to." I nod. "When you're feeling a bit more yourself, we should probably head back." I nod again, and lay my head on the sand as I close my eyes. The beach is so romantic. There's something about almost dying that gives your life a newfound romantic feeling. Starting to feel a bit better, I open my eyes, and sit up. Gilbert has begun re-dressing, so I do the same. I then sneak up behind him and yell boo, surprising him. He jumps, and I fall onto the warm sand, laughing. He laughs too, and we lay on the sand. Still laughing, I close my eyes. The afternoon sun is very bright.
"Should we head back now?" A voice asks. It's close to me. I open my eyes to find Gilbert hovering above me.
"Yes," I say, but the only direction we move in is closer together. He looks down slightly, probably at my lips, so I look at his, then look back. We're so close now, I can hear him breathing. It's steady yet light. He seems ready. Now his face is close to mine, closer than it's ever been before. There's no backing out now. I'm calm, and he seems calm, too. He presses his lips together, so I do the same, and we close our eyes. Our noses touch, and it's light, like a feather. Our heads tilt, and we're about to kiss when...

"Anne!" Marilla's voice rings through my ears. Gilbert and I direct our heads to the sound, and we see Marilla, Bash, and Mary descending the slope that Gilbert and I did only a half an hour ago.
"Anne, I told you not to go far!" Marilla exclaims. I breathe a sigh of relief, thinking she had seen what Gilbert and I were about to do.
"I'm sorry, Marilla." I hang my head, ashamed.
"Whatever happened to your hair? It's undone and tangly and wet. Anne Shirley-Cuthbert, do you mean to tell me that you went swimming!?"
"Yes, Marilla." I raise my head, and our eyes meet.
"That is it. Anne, I would like for you to apologize for bringing poor Gilbert out all this way." I do as Marilla says, and I decide that this is not the time to tell her that I nearly died.
"Ungracious child," Marilla mutters to herself as she trudges back up the slope.
"Anne! It's time to go!" I follow, and look behind me to see Gilbert talking with Mary and Bash. He seems unphased, as if what would've happened was no big deal to him. I decide that two can play that game, and I walk away from the beach with my head held high, not looking back again.

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