Chapter Eight: Anne

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As the week progressed, Gilbert and I refrained from talking to each other. The girls and boys remained separated.
For that week, the talk of the town was about the school's upcoming field trip to the apple orchard, taking place on Friday. Everyone was excited, especially me.
"I've never been to an apple orchard before," I told Diana one hallowing evening.
"Oh Anne, it's simply delightful! It's ever so much fun, and they taste so divine!"
"More divine than Jerry?" I asked, elbowing her. Diana glared, but I knew better.
"I beg your pardon?" She said.
"You and Jerry. Oh, everyone can tell that you have a thing for one another. Just accept that already!"
"Only if you start talking to Gilbert again," Diana retorted.
"Fine. You and Jerry won't get together then. I am never talking to that disgraceful Gilbert Blythe ever again." With that, I bid Diana adieu and headed home.


"Marilla, have you seen my basket?" I cry, darting to and fro.
"Yes, Anne. It's down in the parlor. Now quit making that racket!" Marilla sighs.
I rush down the stairs and grab my basket.
"Oh, thank you, Marilla. Now, I'm going to be late, but I'll be sure to save some apples for you and Matthew!" I say as I walk out the door. I shut it behind me, and then run to the gate. Matthew is standing there, waiting.
"Well, now, have fun at the orchard," He tells me, tipping his hat.
"Oh, I most certainly will! I'm going to save some apples for you and Marilla, and when I get back I'll bake the most scrumptious apple pie!" I hug Matthew and plant a kiss on his cheek, and then run off. Matthew closes the gate behind me, waving. I wave back as I'm running.

"Oh, Anne, it's finally happening!" Diana greets me as I approach the school house.
"I know! I told Marilla and Matthew that I'd bake them a most desirable apple pie when I return, and I'm fairly certain that got their mouths watering."
"Oh, I suppose you should feed some to Jerry, too!"
"Why of course I will, but you would only suggest that because you-"
"Good morning, pupils!" Ms. Stacy exclaims as we all rush to our seats. "As you all know, today we will be visiting the apple orchard. It'll be very fun, but in order for us to have fun I must ensure your safety. So there are just a few rules." The class groans. "Number one, there will be no horseplay of any kind, especially since last time one of our students ended up being..." Ms. Stacy continues, and I listen intently. ", I suppose I've got everything covered. Let us embark on this marvelous journey!"
As she sends us off, everyone squeezes through the doorway. Gilbert and I exit at the same time, our shoulders brushing. He looks at me, apologetic and affectionately. I roll my eyes and look away.
"Anne, you've got to talk to him at one point or another," Diana scolds.
"I don't have to do anything that I don't want to do," I reply.
"What happened, anyways?"
"Nothing. Nothing that concerns anyone."
"Well, it's obviously something. Anne, I've never seen you hold a grudge like this."
"I'm not holding a grudge."
"Yes, you are."
Diana and I heatedly converse the rest of the way to the apple orchard. Once we're there, we meet up with Ruby, Jane, and Tillie, then set out to find the perfect apples.
"Oh, Anne, what do you think of this tree?" Diana exclaims. Jane clasps her hands together, Tillie smiles, and Ruby looks at it in awe.
"It's perfect." I could stare at it for hours and let my imagination run wild, but of course that would leave no time for actually picking apples.  We start at the lower parts of the tree, picking healthy apples that we can easily reach. We get higher, and when none of us can reach anymore, we stop and look at our stash. We divide the apples evenly, everyone counting. I look around, and in a tree just a few meters away, I see it. The perfect apple.
"Excuse me," I say, standing and brushing off my lap. I exhale and walk over to the tree.
I reach my arm up. No luck. I jump. Still not close. I get a running start and then jump. Still no luck. I'm giving up hope when a shadow looms over me. The branches of the tree shift, and when I turn around, I see Gilbert. Holding my apple.
"Is this what you need?" He asks.
"Yes. Thank you," I say crisply. I reach for it, but he pulls his hand back.
"Not so fast."
I sigh as he wags a disapproving finger at me. "You need to do me a favor."
"What is it?" I say, nervously bouncing on the balls of my feet.
"I need you to..."

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