Chapter Ten: Anne

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I stand in awe, watching Gilbert head back to the group. He's so tall and dreamy, and I wish that what happened between us didn't have to end. I feel a weight in my left hand, and look down to see the apple. I raise it to my eye level and kiss it, for just the thought of Gilbert Blythe makes my heart flutter.
Realizing that the girls are probably wondering where on Earth I could be, I too, head back to the main orchard. As I approach them, I'm bombarded with chatter and curiosity.
"Anne!" Diana exclaims.
"Where were you?"
"We saw you with Gilbert,"
"He's so dreamy!"
"He's awfully nice to have gotten that apple for you."
"You two left."
"Where did you go?"
I close my eyes and try to block out the sound of their voices. It's too much for now.
"Girls! Poor Anne looks dreadful. Do shut your mouths," Diana pats the grass, and I sit.
"I'm terribly sorry you don't feel well," Tillie says.
"No, no, I'm fine," I mutter. But my head is spinning and my brain hurts.
"Have we given you a headache?" Ruby asks. I'm not sure, but just to keep them from talking I nod.
"Oh no," She manages to say before Jane slaps her hand over Ruby's mouth.
I sit in the silence, my eyes closed and my breathing steady.
"Do you want me to go get Miss Stacy?" Tillie asks. I open my eyes long enough to see Diana nod.
A few moments later, Miss Stacy is by my side.
"Are you alright, Anne?" She inquires. I shrug and lay on my back. It hurts to sit upright.
"I don't know what it is, Miss Stacy," Jane says.
"She was fine when she came back, but then she fell really ill."
"It was sudden, too!"
"Came back from where?" Miss Stacy raises her eyebrow.
"Somewhere in the orchard," Diana says.
"Ask Gilbert," Ruby adds. "He was with her."
"I just might," Miss Stacy tells the girls.
"I can get him," Ruby offers.
"Yes, that'll do. Especially since he's studying to become a doctor." With no further instruction, Ruby runs off to retrieve Gilbert. I can't help but smile a small smile at the thought of him. I hope he can help.

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