Chapter 2

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   The blonde was in his room, up all night. He could hardly get any rest, let alone sleep. The thought of the emotionless Todoroki, crying, hurt Bakugou's soul. He sat up at the sound of his alarm. Bakugou did his morning routine. No one else was up, it was seven in the morning on a Saturday. You'd be absurd to wake up that early in most people's eyes. Bakugou started to write his letters for the day.

    He got through the majority of them when it was time to write Todoroki's. He paused for a moment after writing "Dear Todoroki" on the parchment. The letter functioned as a diary of sort, they were "goodbye" notes to many people, often addressing secrets Bakugou knew or things he would do different if he had the chance. On many occasions Todoroki's would be easier to write than others, seeing as he and Todo didn't know each other well. It was different today. It took him awhile, but Bakugou finally got something down. He was stressed to say the least. He finished the letters by nine. He picked them all up and stapled them together, placing it in the designated drawer.

    Walking down stairs he found a few people up. In the common room was Asui, and in the kitchen Deku and, surprisingly Todoroki. None of them had noticed him so he took that time to put on an annoyed face. He walked into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for himself. "Hey, Kacchan! Good morning!" Midoriya smiled brightly at Bakugou. Bakugou ignored Midoriya, who he called Deku, and got out three eggs and his skillet. He turned around. Now facing the sink, he washed his hands. "Deku, scrabbled?" Midoriya got the milk out from the fridge, "Yes please."

    Todoroki stood off to the side of the kitchen. He usually would be at home, seeing as it was the weekend, but his father was out of town. Bakugou turned the burner on, placing the skillet on it. "Half and Half, do you want any eggs?" Bakugou said cracking two of the three eggs into the skillet. "Thank you, but I'm not hungry," Todoroki's voice was calm, but it was laced with an emotion Bakugou couldn't place. Bakugou poured a splash of milk on the eggs. He scrambled them, and in minutes he was done. Midoriya had set out two plates and Bakugou placed the scrambled eggs on the plate closest to the skillet. He then cracked the remaining egg into the skillet. He started grabbing spices. Bakugou added them to the egg while simultaneously scrambling it. He set the egg in the plate. The skillet was moved to a cold burner, and the stove was turned off. Bakugou and Midoriya sat at the table eating. Midoriya finished his plate first and thanked Bakugou for the breakfast before setting his plate in the sink and hurried up stairs.

    Bakugou sighed while moving the egg on his plate around. He finished his breakfast and walked into the kitchen. He saw Todoroki hand washing the dishes. This confused Bakugou," Shouldn't you be getting ready to leave, Icy-Hot? You usually don't stay for the weekends." Bakugou's voice made Todoroki jump slightly. Most people wouldn't have noticed it, Bakugou did, but he kept his mouth closed about it. "Oh, uh, yeah," Todoroki sounded skittish, "My old man is out of town for the next two weeks."

    Bakugou started to grab clean dishes and put them away. There was a silence in the air, they both hoped that some noise would be made so they wouldn't be left with their destructive thoughts. Thankfully, the green haired boy ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Stop running, Deku!" Bakugou was angry at his childhood friend's actions. Bakugou was engulfed in a short hug, "Bye, Kacchan! Bye, Todoroki-Kun!" Midoriya let go of the semi-livid Bakugou and ran towards the door. Todoroki snickered as he put the last dish up, it was something that Bakugou used to make dinner the previous night.

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