Chapter 4

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    When Todoroki woke up, he found himself not wanting to move or open his eyes at how comfortable he was. However, he knew it wasn't his bed and opened his eyes to see where he was. He was on one of the couches in the common room. He blushed a bright shade of red when he noticed that he was on top of, and had his arms wrapped around, a sleeping Bakugou. He was in an odd position, his arms around Bakugou and his face in the crook of the blonds neck with the blonde's arms around his waist. Todoroki didn't want to risk waking Bakugou up, seeing as it would be embarrassing, and decided to try to go back to sleep. Todoroki was almost asleep when Bakugou stirred and woke up. Todoroki heard a small groan come from the boy below him. "What the," Bakugou started then realized the boy on top of him was still asleep. He smiled to himself and brought his hand up to grab his phone. The time was ten-seventeen. The blonde placed his phone on the side table by the couch. He thought for a moment before moving his hand to play with Todoroki's red and white hair. The action made Todoroki blush but he didn't want it to stop. He snuggled into Bakugou subconsciously. This stoped Bakugou for a moment, scared the boy was going to wake up. He continued once Todoroki had stopped moving. Bakugou was deep in thought for a while, thinking back to the night before. Todoroki had a panic attack after the mention of training with his father. Realization hit Bakugou like a rock, Todoroki was abused by his father. His grip tightened around Todoroki. Bakugou wanted answers, but Todoroki most likely wouldn't give them to him on account of what happened last night.

    He sighed and begrudgingly got up, leaving Todoroki's side. He didn't want to but he was afraid someone would see them. He headed towards the kitchen to start breakfast but realized he wasn't hungry. He went back to the common room to see Todoroki stirring awake. Bakugou walked over and grabbed his phone. Todoroki yawned," good morning." "Good morning," Bakugou was calm much to the confusion of Todoroki. Todoroki sat up, " What happened last night." "We probably shouldn't talk about down here," Bakugou sounded slightly worried. "Can we go to your room to talk then?" Todoroki didn't want anyone to see his room. Bakugou faltered slightly, "Uh, sure, come on." Bakugou walked upstairs, Todoroki following behind. Bakugou opened the door, letting Todoroki in, then closed it. Todoroki sat on the edge of the well kept bed, "So, what happened?" Bakugou sat next to the peppermint haired boy, "We were talking. You had said something that," He paused," Something that triggered a panic attack. I calmed you down and you fell asleep on the couch." Todoroki was wide eyed, his breathing becoming sporadic. "Look at me, breathe." Bakugou didn't want to see him cry again. Todoroki wouldn't look up. Bakugou cupped the boy's face, forcing their eye contact, "Todoroki, breathe." The use of his name caught him off guard and snapped him out of his panic. Todoroki took a deep breath and Bakugou took his hands away. "Sorry, I don't usually have attacks around other people. Only Yaoyorozu and now you know about them," he apologized. "You don't have to apologize for something you can't control." Bakugou smiled at Todoroki, then frowned. "Because I know a secret about you, it's only fair if you know one about me." "Bakugou, you don't have to," Todoroki tried to reason, but Bakugou wouldn't listen. He walked into his bathroom and came back out with a rainbow flag, "I'm gay." Todoroki looked at him with wide eyes, but then he smiled a small smile, "if you don't mind me asking, I'm I the only one that knows." Bakugou sat back on his bed, "No, Deku and my parents know." "Midoriya knows?" Todoroki didn't really believe it.

    "Yeah, it's a funny story, really." Bakugou smiled, "He had found out that he was Bi and thought he had a crush on me. I told him I wasn't into guys like that and he said it was okay. He got over his crush, but it got me thinking that maybe I did like guys. I've never had a girlfriend and I didn't find them attractive. Maybe two or so weeks later, Deku sent me a picture of his celebrity crush, who was a guy. He was shirtless and I found him kind of attractive. I had done some research and concluded I was Gay as all hell. I told Deku about it. He laughed in my face saying that he knew all along and he made up that he had a crush on me to get me to realize it." Todoroki laughed when Bakugou finished. Bakugou loved the sound of his laughter and smiled at the boy. "I didn't know Midoriya was Bi." Bakugou froze at Todoroki's words. "Did I just out Deku?" Bakugou groaned when Todoroki nodded. "I didn't feel like baking today, but now I have to!" Bakugou got up and opened his door. Todoroki walked out of Bakugou's room, "I can help if you want." "Maybe, what I'm going to bake is my own recipe and I don't want them public," Bakugou said walking down the stairs.

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