Chapter 7

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    He walked down the stairs to his room but heard a thud coming from the room above his. He quickly and quietly made his way back up the stairs. He went to Todoroki's room and gently knocked on the door. It was silent for a minute until Todoroki's voice rang out, "Who is it?" His voice sounded broken to Bakugou. "It's Bakugou." Bakugou heard a quiet sob then a sniffle, "It's unlocked, you can come in." Bakugou was quick getting in and shutting the door. He spotted Todoroki on the floor again the wall, even though the room was dark. Bakugou ran towards the peppermint haired boy, kneeling in front of him. Todoroki held his hand out; Bakugou held it in his own, rubbing his thumb over Todoroki's knuckles. "It's okay, just focus on breathing," Bakugou's voice was sweet and caring. Todoroki had calmed down by now, but he was still crying. Bakugou wiped Todoroki's tears away with his free hand; Bakugou lingered on the burn for a second more. They sat in silence with occasional sniffles from Todoroki.

    "Hey, do you want to talk about it?"He was carful with what he said, not wanting to trigger another attack. Bakugo moved closer to the fragile boy. "Yeah," Todoroki was quiet, his voice was shaken. He took a deep breath, "My father, he's forcing me to date Yaoyorozu. He told me that I would have to marry her eventually. I don't think I can go through with this." Todoroki was shaking causing Bakugou to pull him into his lap. Todoroki tried to focus on his breathing, it wasn't looking very good. Bakugou pulled Todoroki to his chest, "Breathe. In, then out. In, then out." Todoroki followed the instructions getting his breathing under control. "Bakugou, I feel like I should tell you something." Todoroki sounded nervous. "Tell me when you're ready, it doesn't have to be now." Bakugou was calm, but he really wanted to know. "The reason he wants me to date Yaoyorozu is because he thinks it would make me straight, when, in reality, neither of us are." Todoroki laughed. Bakugou smiled, he always loved laughter.

    Todoroki snuggled up to Bakugou's neck. Bakugou blushed and brought his hand to Todoroki's half red half white hair. He hadn't let go of Todoroki's hand and he could the grip tighten ever so slightly. Bakugou whispered, "Is this okay?" Todoroki nodded, "Just don't tell anyone about this." Bakugou hummed as he started to play with Todoroki's hair. Bakugou felt Todoroki's hot breath against his neck. Todoroki's right hand wrapped around Bakugou's mid-section. Bakugou squeaked when Todoroki's hand brushed across his abdomen, "Holy shit, that's cold." "Bakugou, did you just squeak?" Todoroki said condescendingly. It was quiet. Todoroki lifted his head and looked at the blonde. Bakugou looked embarrassed and a little annoyed. Before Todoroki could say anything, there was a knock on his door. Todoroki sighed standing up, pulling Bakugou up with him. Todoroki pushed Bakugou into the bathroom and quietly shut the door. He walked to the door, taking a deep breath. Todoroki opened the door just enough to let himself out and shut the door. He was met with a worried Kirishima. "Have you seen Bakugou, he isn't in his room." Todoroki put a look of confusion on, "Why would I know where he was? I think he hates my guts, so why would he tell me?" "No, he doesn't really hate anyone, he's just lonely," Kirishima said frantically. "Well since you don't know where he is I'll leave you alone, see you around, Todoroki," Kirishima walked downstairs. Todoroki walked back inside his room opening the bathroom door slightly. Bakugou came out of the bathroom, "So, who was it?" "Kirishima." Todoroki wouldn't meet Bakugou's eyes. Bakugou sighed, "I should probably go then." Bakugou walked out of Todoroki's room with a small wave.

    Bakugou texted Ashido to get takeout because he didn't feel like making dinner. He got a text from Ashido on a group chat saying she was ordering pizza. Messages flooded in with pizza types that the class wanted. Bakugou ignored the texts, flopping on his bed. Bakugou started to think about Todoroki. The way he laughed, his soft red and white hair, his beautiful hereto-chromic eyes. Bakugou blushed and sat up. "Did I just call Halfie's eyes beautiful," he whispered to himself. He texted Midoriya, he was labeled as: Deku🥬

Kacchan(◣_◢): I have a problem

Deku🥬: What kind of problem?

Kacchan(◣_◢): "I have a crush" kind of problem

Deku🥬: Who is it!!

Kacchan(◣_◢): Uh, do I have to tell you?

Deku🥬: If you want my help, then yes

Kacchan(◣_◢): Icy-Hot

Deku🥬: Really?⊙▽⊙

Kacchan(◣_◢): Why would I be joking?

Deku🥬: I don't think I can help with this one, sorry Kacchan

    Bakugou sighed, he never had a crush before. He had no idea to go about telling Todoroki. He'll never love a useless bitch like you. The voice was back. It tormented Bakugou all through out his life. He knew where it was going. Bakugou walked into his bathroom, he grabbed a switch blade from the cabinet. He placed the switch on his left wrist, pressing down slightly and dragging it a cross. He repeated this two more times then switched hands and did it three times on his right wrist. He turned on the faucet washing the blade then his wrist's. He wrapped his wrist's in bandages and walked back out. He got changed into his pajamas and climbed into his bed. He plugged in his phone before staring at his ceiling. It was early to go to sleep, only six, but Bakugou wanted to sleep. 

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