Mafia Au #1 (SFW)

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Note: I've already gone on a rant about this AU in my ZaneChan book and my Vylante book... so y'all can go read it there

1000 Words

"Here, catch." Laurence called after him, tossing a briefcase. Garroth turned over his shoulder, catching the thing with a grunt.

"Hey. I didn't know you were coming with." Garroth said as Laurence fell into step beside him.

"Yeah, well, I wasn't really supposed to." Laurence grinned coyly. "I just didn't want you to go alone."

"I would've been fine."

"I know that, but I don't want to spend my time sitting around at that bar either." Laurence muttered. Garroth sighed, he did have a point. Zane kept the place real nice, everyone did, but after awhile the smell of booze and drunk people got to be a little too much sometimes.

"So," Laurence said. "Where are we going?"

"That flower shop on the edge of our border. Around Broad street?" Garroth said. Laurence nodded, he knew the place.

"Oh yeah, weren't they the ones giving us hot chocolate when we were on patrols in winter?" Laurence asked, to which Garroth nodded.

"Yup, that's the place! They're good people, so we're just giving them a token of appreciation for always using their store."

"That's very nice of you." Laurence commented.

"Well, they deserve it. Unlike some families we're nice to people within our borders." Garroth said.

"I know. That's why I joined in the first place." Laurence said. Garroth smiled.

They accepted everyone who wanted to join, not just people with Ro'Meave blood. It had been their mother's idea, and majority of the public who knew that the Ro'Meaves were in charge took to this idea nicely.

But.. it's not like the requirements to be apart of their family were nice. Everyone went through it, but not everyone succeeded. They were difficult, and scary, and.. probably not where his mind should be going.

"Okay, here we are. Are they expecting us?" Laurence asked. Garroth shrugged.

"They should be, but I never gave them a time." Garroth said, opening the door for Laurence. A little bell sounded, and a little girl from behind the counter looked up, her eyes going wide. Two large men in suits normally called for trouble.

"Mama..!" She called over her shoulder, voice shaking a little. Laurence sighed, but Garroth just smiled politely. Laurence wasn't exactly used to the—well earned—hostility people gave them.

"Hey, it's okay," Garroth smiled, putting his hands up. "We aren't here to hurt anyone."

A woman finally appeared behind the counter, gesturing for her daughter to come to her.

"Hello, Ivy."

"Garroth." She answered, clearly not too happy to see him. Ivy and Garroth had history. Little history, but still history. Garroth glanced at the daughter again, but remembered why they were here.

"We wanted to give you this." He nodded to Laurence, who pressed the suitcase to the table. "A token of our appreciative-ness.. you've been nice to us." Garroth said.

Ivy nodded wearily. "Open the case." She said. Laurence glanced to Garroth but he just shrugged. He opened it, and sure enough there was cash inside. Tons of it. "Why do you always do things like this we.. we don't deserve it." Ivy muttered, shutting the case herself.

"Of course you do. You've helped our family a lot, you know that." Garroth said, shoving his hands to his pockets. Laurence looked to the women and to Garroth. Was there tension here, or was that just him?

"Would you like anything before you leave?" Ivy said, crossing her arms. Garroth regarded her for a second, narrowing his eyes, before he smiled and shook his head.

"No, that's alright. Thank you so much." Garroth said, grabbing Laurence by the shoulder and pulling him outside. The bell dinged behind them on their way out.

"That was strange." Laurence mumbled, giving Garroth a wry glance. Garroth sucked in his cheeks.

"Visits with Ivy often are."

"Is that her real name? Ivy?"

"Yes. I know, I know. It just happens to be a coincidence she's the owner of that little flower shop." Garroth smiled at that, but it was thin across his face.

"Hey, are you alright? You look sick." Laurence asked him, nudging his shoulder. Garroth shook his head.

"I'm fine. Ivy and I aren't exactly friends, but what she's done for our family.. I can't stay mad at her and she tries her hardest not to stay mad at me," He shrugged. "It's nothing."

Laurence didn't say anything, and it forced Garroth to continue.

"It was funny. When we were younger she could never pronounce my name right. Gah-roth." He said, chuckling a little.

Laurence put a hand to his shoulder.

"You don't have to talk about it anymore. Listen, let's just get back and I'll buy you a drink, okay?"

Garroth laughed a little. "Sounds good to me." He said. Laurence slapped him on the back.

"That's the spirit!"

"Garroth, Laurence. What can Kawaii-Chan get you?"

"Water." Garroth said, slowly sitting to the bar.

"Two beers!" Laurence sang. Kawaii-Chan rose a brow, to which Garroth just shrugged in response.

"He's paying, so sure." Garroth mumbled, pinching his nose.

"Is he okay?" Kawaii-Chan asked Laurence, but he just smiled in response and shrugged it off.

"I'm right here, by the way."

"Oh shut it, why're you in such a bad mood?" Laurence asked. "Lighten up a little, I'm buying you drinks."

Garroth sighed.

"Thanks for coming with me today, man. It meant a lot."

"Don't sweat it. I'm your best friend. I'd do anything for you. I've done almost everything for you." Laurence said, looping an arm around his shoulders. Garroth leant into his loose embrace.

"I know. Thanks."

"Yeah, sure, I love you too, now stop being so sappy." Laurence smiled, pushing him away jokingly by the head. Garroth chuckled at that.

"Alright, fine, love you too." Garroth mimicked, clinking their bottles together. Laurence laughed.

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