Chapter One

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After Harry had finished making breakfast, he went to get the mail. As he was looking through it, he saw one envelope had his name on it in emerald green ink.

What he found even more odd than someone was writing to him, was that it had it addressed to his cupboard. "Well, if it's addressed to the cupboard, it goes in the cupboard," thought Harry as he slipped it in the cupboard.

Harry walked back into the kitchen and saw that the Dursley's had finished eating. He handed out the mail and went to the fridge to see his list of chores.

The whole list was as tall as Harry! Harry sighed and took the magnet off of the list.

First, cook breakfast, check, clean the dishes. Well, he better get to it.

It was going to be a long day today.

Hadrian Riddle And The Sorcerer's Stoneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें