Chapter Four

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After talking with Mal for a while, Harry realized he hadn't been doing his chores and it was almost time to go inside. "BOY!" came the booming voice of Uncle Vernon. Harry turned to Mal and said, "Go to the cupboard under the stairs, I'll meet you there," Mal, knowing to trust her child, immediately left for the cupboard.

Harry whimpered when Uncle Vernon neared him. "Stand up," he said. Harry immediately stood up. Then, Uncle Vernon slapped him across the face. He grabbed Harry's arms and put them behind his back. He tied his hands together with a rope he brought along as well us tying his ankles and putting duck tape on his mouth.

The fear was clear in Harry's eyes. Uncle Vernon grabbed Harry by his hair and dragged him to the tool shed. Uncle Vernon adjusted Harry on the wall so he wouldn't fall over during his 'punishment'. Vernon turned back around from his tool box with a chainsaw in hand.

Harry lost a chunk of his arm that night.

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