Chapter 1

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Little is known about Clockwork, the ghostly master of time itself, but if there was one secret worth sharing; it is that Clockwork doesn't like it when people waste time. In his tower deep in the Ghost Zone, Clockwork was watching several screens showing images of Vlad Masters/Plasmius, he was the reason for Clockworks current frustration.

Even though Clockwork had known about Plasmius for a long time, the ghost had never been ordered or felt the need to interfere with this disappointment. Vlad had always been destined not only to be the first half ghost but also a hero, however, the human's bitterness and rage against his former friend prevented that. Worse yet just when he has a chance to turn things around and help the only other of his kind, he messes that up too just because the boy refused to share in his closed-minded and vengeful ways.

Clockwork had finally had enough! But he wasn't doing this for his sake or Vlad's, rather, the ghost was doing this for Danny Phantom. Since he was "given" the responsibility to watch over Danny by the Observants, Clockwork knew he also had to do what he could for the teen unless it screwed up time again. The time master knew the risk, but he knew what needed to be done.

Clockwork went through his treasures that had been collected over time until he found what he needed. It was an antique hand mirror.

"My old friend," Clockwork spoke, "You helped rid the world of one evil once but now you're needed again. You know what to do, now go!" he levitated the mirror upward and it flew into the current timeline in Amity Park. "One way or another Plasmius, you will learn just how rewarding your vengeance is,"

Five Days Later

It was early Sunday morning and the two Fenton teens were outside the house. Jazz was loading her second suitcase into her car and then she hugged Danny.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Jazz asked.

"For the tenth time, yes," Danny answered. "It's just two weeks and aunt Alicia isn't bad. I don't mind going to the mountains for a little vacation time. The fresh air and lack of ghost attacks will do me some good. You go have fun with your friends."

"Okay, but you know that if there is a problem, I can call off the trip and come right over." Jazz said before getting her car.

"No Jazz, you've been waiting a month for this ski trip and I don't want you to miss out. I'll be fine. A little mud won't kill me."

"Alright, just remember the secret password, Fenton-..." Jazz started up the car.

"Bismol," Danny finished rolling his eyes.

Satisfied, Jazz smiled, "Bye Danny." She said before driving away from the house.

After waving her off, Danny tiredly went back inside the house. School was over for the summer and the teen couldn't wait for some much-needed downtime. He meant what he said when he talked about spending time with Aunt Alicia and her new boyfriend Gus. Sure, it wasn't his first option, but his mom insisted on it when she and Jack booked for a trip of their own. Jack and Maddie were planning a lovely and long overdue couples vacation on a two weeklong cruise to the Hawaiian Islands.

An hour later, Danny was in the kitchen helping himself to some cereal for breakfast when his mom came into the room.

"Good morning sweetie." Maddie greeted.

"Morning mom," Danny replied.

"You packed everything you needed last night?" Maddie asked.

"All that's left is my toothbrush. You and dad good to go?"

"You bet. I'm so excited to go on this cruise with your father. He's packing the last of the luggage into the RV."

Just then there came loud footsteps coming towards the kitchen.

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