Chapter 7

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A/N; I'M ALIVE and really sorry for the delay. Thanks to 'events' I haven't had much time to write but now it's taken care of and I don't need to be reminded of it so please don't ask. Anyway, thank you for your patience and don't forget to leave a comment at the end. And yes I will be writing some more now

Danny groaned as he slowly opened his eyes only to see another blinding light and there was a ringing in his ears before a voice broke the sound.

"Wake up punk!" said a Guy In White.

Danny gasped and tried to sit up, but he found himself trapped. He looked around and saw that he was in a laboratory and strapped to an operating table with metallic bands across his midsection, arms, and legs.

"Nervous?" the Guy asked menacingly. "Well, you should be,"

"Why are people getting up close to my face today?" Danny asked rhetorically before talking to the operative. "Look, you guys got the wrong idea about me. I'm not a threat to Amity Park, I try to protect it."

"Don't kid yourself ghost. You threaten the people of this town just by being here. Every ghost that comes here is because of you,"

"That's not... entirely true," Danny said trying to defend himself. "Lots of the ghosts come here for other reasons."

The operative was not convinced. "In any case, you have been a pain on our sides and a menace to this city and it's time something was done about it."

"So... any chance you could just give me a quick slap on the wrist and let me go with a warning?" Danny asked nervously.

"Not likely, no," the agent answered bluntly. "But if you got a problem with that, you can take it up with Alpha..."

Right on cue, the head of the GIW entered the secure room and he stood next to the operating table. Danny could see his reflection in the dark shades of Alpha's glasses.

"At long last," Alpha said. "You can step aside Operative H; I can take it from here."

"Look, guy," Danny said. "I saw you on the news the other day."

"Oh, did you? So, you have access to our local news. Did you like the piece?"

"I know you guys have been after me for... a long time. But if you would just let me expla-Mmmm!" He was cut off by Alpha who quickly slipped a ghost proof gag over Danny's mouth.

"It certainly likes to talk," Alpha commented before his tone grew serious. "Allow me to explain something to you Phantom; you are a threat to Amity Park and if you thought for even one nano-second that we were just going to let you continue to terrorize the town, you've made a grave mistake."

"Good one sir," Operative H said from the side.

"No one likes a kiss-up agent," Alpha said sternly.

"Yes sir,"

"Now, set up the tools for sample extraction. We want to do it quickly while its awake and before the A.P.P.L.E has removed its powers completely."

Danny's words were muffled by the strap of tape over his mouth, but it seemed to catch the boss's attention.

"Phantom, these restraints keeping you to the table are not ghost proof because, thanks to our latest weapon against ghosts, we found a way to render you powerless." At the ghost boy's confusion, Alpha clarified. "We procured the details to a machine the Fentons had made while we owned their business. Jack Fenton labeled it as... Fentonpowerstop-offer- stopphire? Anyway, it's a machine that supposedly takes powers away from ghosts."

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