37) Manik's Jealousy, Helplessness And Problems

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Manik's pov.

I looked at Nandani, and then Abeer who hugged my mother.

I was damn jealous!
What the hell!

Why my mother was so friendly with him, why this man made my Nandani laugh.


If possible I will kill him, but I stayed down fisting my hand.

" Ma, you even don't hug me." I said pouting, what's so shocking 🙄

I met her after a whole year, she made an awe face, I looked at my Nandani, she supressed her smile.🙂

I liked her smile, I liked it always, but when she smiled I always want it was because of me, when I looked at her smiling face due to this man, I was fucking jealous. 😏😏😏😏

Once in my jealousy, I kissed her with vague, I even opened her jeans to fuck her hard so that she could know she was mine, exclusively mine.😤😤

But Nandani realized me what wrong had I done with her, she realised I was Alia's.😬😬

I never wanted her to cheat, I didn't know how, why and when it all just happened.😢😢

I remembered that night, I was so sexually frustrated, I even tried to force Nandani. I torn her whole dress but she stopped me. I clenched my eyes in frustration.😑😑

I was damn frustrated, I stopped fpr a bit but I was not going to listen her, I was about to do my deed but Alia's call came saying there were some goons, they were trying to force her.😳😳😳

When I went to her home, I found her in so vulnerable state. Even though she did wrong in past, but she was a girl who was about to be raped. She was shivering, I tried to soothe her with hug, it was friendly gesture.☺️

Her breathe was uneven, her tears were so realistic, why any girl had to suffer this.😔😔

I couldn't understand her mental trauma, what she was going through. I gave her some water, she was not leaving me for a minute.😟

My frustration was long gone, all I need to do was to comfort a victim girl even though she was not my girlfriend but still she was a women.🙂🙂

I asked her to sleep, she stood up and then suddenly lights went, after that I didn't remembered what happened. I evem didn't know what did I do. All I remembered that my head was aching and I stepped into drowsiness.

Next morning, I woke up, I was under a duvet all naked, I thought it was Nandani. I looked at the sleeping figure beside me but I was hell too shocked what the fuck just had happened. There was Alia, she was drenched in the cum, red marks was all over her body, her dress was torn.😯😯😢😢😭😭😰😰

Everything said it was sex but why I didn't remember anything, but asking her was no poiny otherwise it would give another indication. She even said she knew I would come to her.

Shocked with every gesture I left from there not knowing what had just happened.😑

How could I cheat my Nandani, I went to Musicana, there I was selected to finals. Nandani came to me but facing her was no option, I was ashamed of me.😞😞

I ignored her for a whole month, whenever she called me I gave her some excuses, whenever she met me I never made any eye contact with her.
How could I! I cheated her, this guilty was killing me. I was all set to music, as it helped me to excape from reality😦😦

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