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I had tears running down my face, for a person that didn't care about me 💔

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I had tears running down my face, for a person that didn't care about me 💔

  - Unknown


Where did I go wrong? What did I do to deserve this? Am I not good enough?

All night, tears have been running down my face. Once again he's out doing whatever.

I couldn't stop thinking about how he put his hands on me last night.

I can't even think straight at the moment. I've been curled up in the bed just balling my eyes out.

I have to leave. I can't stay here. There ain't no telling what he would do when he comes home again. 

I picked up my phone and called the only person that can help me right now. My best friend Star. Out of all people, she has been telling me too stay away from Darius. It's like she knew something like this would happen.

I can't contact my family because none of them would believe me. They are so blind to see that Darius was doing me wrong all for years of our relationship.

I put the phone to my ear sniffling as it rung two times before she picked up.

"What did he do Nation?" She said into the phone sternly.

Tears fell down my face again.

"Can you come pick me up?" I asked her. I put my head in my hands. I hated to have to end things this way but I have to get as far away from him as I can. Because I knew he would look for me.

"Ok. Get your stuff ready. I'll come pick you up." She told me before hanging up.

I looked across the room to see my suitcase was still laying there. I get up out of the bed and I grabbed my suitcase.

I walked into the bathroom and grabbed my heygiene stuff and packed it in the suit case. I walked into the closet and grabbed my shoes.

After I was done, I brought everything downstairs and set them by the door. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed some snacks from the pantry to take with me.

I decided to write a note to Darius. At least he deserves to know why I'm leaving.

I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and I began writing.


If you ever read this, I left. Please. Don't come looking for me. It's the best thing for me and you to separate. Don't ask my family where I am because they won't have any answers.

Find someone else to be happy with. Because it seemed that you were never happy with me.

4 years we were together is now down the drain because of you. I'm not saying this to hurt your feelings but I thought you should know.

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