Littles and Caregivers with Eating Disorders

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Hai!! I am writing a new chapter because I myself have anorexia and bulimia. Don't wowwy though! I have recovered and I still see a psychologist about all of my bad bad thoughts.

First of all, if you or your little/caregiver are struggling wif an eating disorder peas see a professional or encourage your SO to. Dat is da best advice to give.

- Encourage dem to eat but DO NOT FORCE DEM! It will make dem feel like dey can't trust you.

- Eating disorders have a huge factor of hiding it. Don't feel angwy at dem because it is part of the illness :(

- Make dem deir favorwite snacks and meals.

- BE PATIENT!! Eating disorders take suuuper long to get away from.

- Don't make any comments about deir weight. It can be vewwy triggering even if it's about dem losing weight.

- Lock da baffroom for 1 hour after meals and keep dem company and distract dem so feeling da need to purge passes easier.

- Encourage positive thinking in regards to eating. Like, "you will not get fat from recovering", "you are not a failure for eating or not losing weight", and "I am so proud of you"

- Go to an eating disorder clinic which will give you and your SO help to be happy and healthy.

- Remove scales, tape measures, and any other form of tracking weight from da house. This is used in recovery to help that it's more successful.

- Make sure dey don't over-exercise.

If I have missed anyfing, let me know.

I yub you all! You can always talk to me and you are not alone! xx

Daddy/Mommy/CG and Little Guide [REQUESTS OPEN]Where stories live. Discover now