The beginning

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"Girlfriend? You're funny." I laugh historically and he stares at me blankly.

"Did you just laugh? I'm serious. I will kill your family and I am not in any way joking!" He slams the locker and I gasp.

"What do you want from me?! Why are you being so aggressive!" I yell at him and I hear footsteps. The bell began to ring and he smirks.

"If you tell anybody about this, you will regret it." He walks away and tears stream down my face.

"Hello?" I hear a man's voice and he finally sees me. "If you don't want to get sent to the office I suggest that you head back to class now young lady." He raises his eyebrows and I nod.

What just happened? I don't even know this guy. Does he really mean it when he says he's going to kill my family?

My mind goes blank and my heart races, my breathing slows and my eyes wander around the locker room. I can't believe this just happened to me? What have I done to make him act that way? I literally don't KNOW this guy!?

I shake my head and I walk back to class. I watch my environment for my safety and I walk as fast as I could. I notice the teacher and I duck my head down.

Please don't see me please don't see me

"Where are you going?" She stops me and I let a deep breath.

"Class." I smile, she laughs.

"Does it take you this long? Do you have a pass?" I shake my head. She takes her glasses off and looks me head to toe. "I'm guessing there was a reason you took this long? I can't just let you get pass this. Have a good excuse and I'll let you go."

What's a good excuse? I have nothing! If I had a good excuse I would've told her but no, nothing. I open my mouth to speak but I don't.

"I have no excuse. You're right, I was skipping." I look down at my shoes wanting to cry but I can't. I wish I could tell her, this guy is either playing with me or he's being for real. What if he really does come for my family?

"Office young lady."

Great. My reputation just went down the drain, I wouldn't take the risk though. I'd rather put my own life in danger if I have to.

I finally make my way to the office, I open the doors to see myself frozen. My eyes glued onto someone...


"May I help you?" The principle looks at me as he gathers paper. My eyes go to the principle and I nod.

He looks at me for a second and raises his eyebrow. "Y-yes, a teacher caught me in the hallway without a pass."

"Well, I can't have you just standing there. Come in." notice Sam at the corner of my eye smirking, not taking his eyes off me and I gulp as I turn my gaze from him and enter the office.

"Have a seat." I sit down and he has a paper out. Oh no.

"Tell me... why were you out in the halls? Class has started ever since. Did something happen?"

My mind traces back to Sam slamming the locker so aggressively and I gasp.

"N-no. I was just skipping." I stare down.

"Ma'am If there's something wrong you can tell me..." He looks at me with worry in his eyes.

I laugh.

"Sir, I am sure. It's my mistake, I chose to skip and I shouldn't have. I was in the wrong and that was my choice to make." I say confidentially and he looks away.

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