Chapter 2: the past

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Waking up with no sun was weird, the sun here barely lit my little room up and the barred window did nothing to help.

I let a smile lit up my face knowing soon enough my mate would be here with the food he had caught for me. I wanted him to take me out soon, maybe today he will talk to me and we can bond more instead of just looking at each other.

well, I didn't mind staring him down, my mate was a fine specimen. his dark skin would go great with my much paler one and his muscles? I can't help but drool at them, his abs and his everything just makes me drool. too bad he won't let me near him.

I chuckled at my weird thoughts and glanced up smiling before tilting my head seeing a water droplet drip down. hmm...hope this won't affect my sleep.

The cell door opened and my mate's scent drifted in along with the delicious smell of the food. my wolf perked up, I could feel and almost see her tail flicking excitedly in the back of my mind. I waited patiently till I saw my mate's legs than trailed my eyes up to his body.

With a grin, I waved "Hello mate!" my eyes didn't leave his face for a second. I took the tray closer to me and took the water first. "what river did you get this from? it tastes amazing!" I gave him another one of my smiles before setting the cup down and once I took a bite of the food I tried to start a conversation again. "which animal is this? " I got ignored again and with a long sigh, I let the silence take over and ate up the delicious smelling food in front of me.

my mate once again didn't utter a word, nothing slipped out, the only time he talked was yesterday and at that, he lied straight to my face but I wasn't mad at him, how could I? he was my mate.

after I slid the tray back, I was prepared to talk again but he just stood up and left. I frowned, looking around and sat back on my bed bored.

I laid down and looked up at the bricked ceiling. I don't really remember my old room but it was much cleaner than this. I remember my mum always cleaning my room and hers, every day not stopping until every speck of dirt was gone than my father would come back from training, his shoes filled with mud just like his well-toned body. he'd get mum so angry when he would walk in the room without taking them off.

back then we used to live in the packhouse, every day while my father trained, I would go watch him and the other warriors, with all my friends. back then life was so nice and peaceful. as a pup, I used to want to become just like them, a warrior but also a housewife. a kind-hearted soul but serious and cold-hearted as well.

I used to always want my parent's life, how in love they were and the stories my mother used to tell me on how they met or how much trouble they got in when they used to sneak out to meet each other.

with a smile, I let a tear fall after 6 years of trying not to break down, I just let it out. just one, I had promised my father and mother I will be happy, I won't cry because they fought to protect me and the pack.

all my friends and family killed in front of my eyes. with a smile, I wiped the tear away and just waited till night time came to sleep once again.

the day seemed to drag on way later than usual and I found myself thinking about various things of the past, happy and painful memories came and went, as I was starting to close my eyes, the cell's door slammed open and my mate's scent once again drifted back in.

in confusion, I sat up on the bed and waited for him to come closer.

Did he bring me food again? with a big smile, I greeted him. "is this my lucky day?" I grinned at him but I just got ignored, I didn't mind maybe he's just shy. I ate slowly, making sure to talk a lot hoping he would reply at least once.

his face rarely changed but midway I saw a smile light up his face, I wasn't even sure what I was talking about. I was halfway done with my food but I pushed it out, not wanting to eat anymore. it looked like he was about to say something but didn't, just gathered everything up and left again.

I only want to speak to you mate...

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