Chapter 3: Silver

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Five days have passed and I still was being kept here, every day I have been getting weaker and weaker. there's this weird smell all around the building that I have been smelling since day one. at first, I was sure it was the mold but it isn't.

why would mold make me weak just by smelling it? this scent was much stronger and it was making life harder, my wolf was barely responding now.

but other than that, life was good, yesterday my mate spoke to me. one sentence, yet that one sentence had me beaming in the late night. I woke up earlier than usual waiting for my mate to come once again.

it was around the time when the barred windows created shadow's on the ground that the cell door open. instantly, my stomach started to growl as the smell drifted in but my mate's delicious scent wasn't there along with the smell of food.

I waited, till I spotted legs and glanced up, seeing someone that wasn't my was the beta that came with my food, he slid the tray in with an expressionless face and as quick as he came he had left, the cell's metal door slamming behind him.

silence, nothing, the door didn't open again and I was alone, staring at my food. I sipped on the water slowly and ignored the food, not feeling the hunger I previously had.

we only met twice a day, the least he could have done was make it for both of them even if he was a bit later than usual. with a sad sigh, I pushed the tray out and went to sulk on the bed. the water was still dripping from the ceiling and most of the time, the bedsheet was soaked with the dirty, moldy water.

night slowly rolled by and I heard the door opening again. I knew my mate came this time. I could practically smell him from miles away.

I got up at least trying to pretend I was same old me. the first thing he did when he arrived was take a glance at the tray of uneaten food that by now was swarmed with ants and glanced at me confused.

"Why didn't you eat?" he asked in his deep voice. I ignored him this time and ate in silence. not just angry that he didn't come in the morning but also feeling too weak to properly make something out.

after I ate maybe half the food and pushed it back out, I crawled into my bed, failing to see the hurt look that crossed his face. before he could leave, I let out a cough hoping he had stopped.

" hey... when will I be able to leave and room with you? I feel weak here, there's this smell that's making me dizzy" I heard my mate gulp as if he had realized something. I glanced back and saw him pick up the tray on the floor, the ants quickly making their escape.

his face holding a look of realization.

"goodnight mate... I will be back tomorrow" he whispered and left in a hurry.

with a long sigh, I muttered out a weak 'goodnight' and slowly fell into a deep slumber... a coma-like sleep.

last thing I heard before fully getting knocked out was a curse and the slam of a door.

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