Chapter 7

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After a minute I bolt after the doctor, Joey still following behind me like a lost puppy.

When we get to Laurens room, I see her lieing on her bed, eyes closed, with and IV in her hand. What hurts the most though is that, you can hardly see her skin now. It's mostly black, blue and purple. If I could have found her few minutes earlier, she might not be here right now.

She might not have been in a coma.

I can't help but think it's my fault. I always think it's my fault. Because it normally is.

I go and take the white, plastic chair next to her bed and squeeze her hand. It's as cold as ice.

"I'm so sorry Lauren. If I had found you earlier you might not be here. I'm so sorry. Please, wake up. I need to see you beautiful smile, hear you cute giggle. Please, don't give up on me Lauren."

Then I say something I never thought I would say.

~Lauren's POV~

Its really dark here. I feel like im falling. Like anytime now I will open my eyes and it will be a dream. But I can't open my eyes. It's like my eyelids are stuck together.  I can hear everything though. Well, not everything. It's all a bit fuzzy but I can pick up on things. I can hear a boys voice. Wait- is that Leo? Yes, that's Leo! I feel someone squeeze my hand and then carry on talking. Yes, it is Leo! I listen as hard as I can. I need to hear what he's saying.

"...don't give up on me Lauren. Lauren, I think...I think...I may be inlove with you"

Wait what? Leo, inlove, with me? Boring, plain, old me? Suicidal and depression girl?

No. Can't be. I try and squeeze his hand but I can't. I try again and again but I can't.

"Please Lauren, If you can hear me, squeeze my hand"

I really wish I could squeeze his hand. But I can't. I next hear something like a sigh.

"I love you Lauren. I really do."

~leos POV~

Just then, a doctor came in.

"You must be Leo. I'm Doctor Johnson. I'm here to inform you about Laurens health. Let me run a few tests and I'll be back."

And just like that, I'm left alone with Lauren again. I wish she could just wake up and tell me she loves me too. But, knowing my luck, she probably won't ever wake up.

I didn't realise how long it had been till the doctor walked in.

"Ok, so, I have some bad news. Because of her thyroid cancer before, this has mad it worse. There is a 15% chance she will wake up again and even if she does, there is a 80% chance she won't make it. I'm sorry."

Wait, did he say thyroid cancer? She has cancer? Why didn't she tell me? But most importantly,

How long left does she have to live?

love or fame? (Leo and Charlie BAM fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now