Breakfast and Babies

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Sorry this is so short, I've had a whirlwind of a week. Enjoy!

Sang awoke the next morning to a loud crash of thunder, apparently the storm was still going strong. She sat up, stretched, and threw the blankets off. After getting dressed and making the bed, she wandered downstairs to where the men were moving about.

It had rained so much during the night that there was a large puddle just outside the back door that caused mud and water to be tracked in from the men going in and out. Sang looked out the window at the rain and puddles, and sighed. She hoped Erica and Jessica wouldn't be too worried about her.

Pans were clattering in the kitchen, so Sang made her way in there. Luke stood by the stove, mixing some oatmeal in a pot and flipping bacon in a pan next to it. He turned to put the oatmeal on the table and noticed Sang. "Good Morning, Sugar!"

Sang giggled, "Good Morning, Luke. Do you need any help?"

"No, ma'am, you just sit there and look beautiful, that's all the help I need. From you at least." He flashed a smile at Sang then moved to open the back door. "Come help for breakfast!" He yelled out to the ones who were working in the rain with the animals, and then again to the ones who were scattered inside.

One by one, the rest of the men came into the kitchen to set the table. Nathan, Silas, North, Owen, and Sean came from outside, all drenched from head to toe, shirts sticking to them and showing off bits that Sang shouldn't See before marriage. She blushed and turned away. Victor and Kota came in from the room that Sang hadn't gotten a look at before, and barely noticed even after seeing the two men come out of it. Gabriel walked in from the living area and Sang's set of men was complete.

The dry ones moved about setting the table, Sang sneaking in to help, while the others went to change clothes. Soon enough they were all sitting down and enjoying their second meal together. Breakfast was much less tense than dinner had been, no talk of Sang's past had come up even once.

The meal was finished with the pouring rain dying down to a lighter, steady rain in the background. As they were cleaning up, a frantic knock sounded on the front door. Kota swung the door in and a soggy man filled the doorway. "Sean! We need you! It's an emergency! Kayli's in labor and we can't get into town to get Doc Roberts!" The man was panting.

"Okay, Marc, I'll be there as soon as I can!" Sean called, already halfway up the stairs.

Marc gave a small wave then dashed back into the rain, probably to get back to Kayli. Sean came thundering down the stairs again, "Sorry, Sang. I have to go help Kayli." He had put on his doctor's coat and an overcoat and hat and had his doctor's bag in hand. He ran out the door.

This had all happened so fast that Kota was still holding the door open from when he first answered. He shut it and looked back at Sang. "That was Marc. He and four others are married to Kayli. They live on the farm next to us. You'll meet them all soon enough. They're a nice bunch of folks, even if they can seem unapproachable at times."

Sang nodded. Victor came and placed a hand on her arm. "Come with me, I want to show you something," he said.

He led her to the secret door she had seen earlier. Behind it was a beautiful library with walls of books and a square piano. Some desks were placed near the bookshelves with various items scattered around. Victor took her to the piano and sat her down on the chair adjacent. He sat himself on the piano bench and began to play a lovely melody. Sang listened in wonder and amazement, clapping lightly when he finished.

He turned to face her,"Did you like that?"

Sang leaned forward a bit, "Oh, Victor, that was beautiful. I love it."

He blushed at her compliment, "I... uh... wrote it for you. At least, you were the inspiration behind it."

Sang placed her hand on her heart, "No one's ever done anything that nice for me before. Thank you."

Ruining the tender moment, Gabriel spoke up, "He wrote an accompanying violin part for Owen to play too, but I guess Vic here wanted the glory all to himself before he had to share it."

Sang giggled and Victor glared at Gabriel.

"When Victor and Owen are ready, I'll gladly listen to their performance."

Victor stopped glaring to beam at Sang. When they proposed to her again, she would definitely say yes. No hesitations whatsoever.

Word count: 806
Uploaded: 4 September 2019

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